Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting religion not suppressing science? Tell that to Galileo... Other scientists have been killed as heretics for daring to proclaim things that didn't fit in the framework of the ruling religion. Religious groups in the US and elsewhere want to ban evolution theory from being taught in schools as heretical. Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by meksikatsi religion is for those who believe in it Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU …disgust for people or system that uses or used religion to control population and thereby suppressing scientific development is… logical. However,the blame should not be on religion. Religion was not and is not meant to operate in… that system which suppressed science, but not the religion itself. Religion is not responsible for Galileo's fate, it… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Catweazle …amount of teaching. What ever happened to freedom of religion? Evolution is forced on every child from kindergarten …through college. I will not force a religion on anyone though[/QUOTE] No one should have …children to an alternative, privately run school. No particular religion should be 'forced' onto people by the mainstream, … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU … facts would simply collapse. To JWenting: [QUOTE]When a religion states certain things which can be scientifically proven to be…a deity, a word which cannot be denied, that religion suppresses science.[/QUOTE] As I said science is open to…myself from giving an example that relates to my own religion Islam. There is a verse in the Quran that… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Catweazle …is a thinly disguised expression of intolerance to any religion other than your own. Your comments about Communism … are really Socialist nations. Communism doesn't teach that religion should be cast aside. Onlt politicians who have called … hand - they are not mutually exclusive. Science and religion can go hand in hand also, becuase they too… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU …is what is so unique about Christianity - its the only religion that gives God the glory for mans restoration back to…prayer. Second, Anyone can make strong statements about his/her religion. I could do the same in response to your post…'t studied. Clearly you haven't studied any other religion other than your own but were quick to make statments… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bobby9101 … am a christian. i do not press my religion [QUOTE]religion not suppressing science? Tell that to Galileo... Other… in schools as heretical[/QUOTE] Evolution is supressing religion, christians only ask to be allowed to have …amount of teaching. What ever happened to freedom of religion? Evolution is forced on every child from kindergarten … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …indoctrination and by keeping them unaware of reality. Thus religion will create supernatural all knowing beings whom are claimed…one example of that denial and suppression of science by religion. And yes, I was raised (semi)religiously but… never forced to accept any religion and I didn't. I will tolerate and respect… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …nor against religios conotations in society as long as that religion doesn't force its ideas and ideals on me.…And no, I'm no atheist. Atheism is a religion too, as atheists have a religious disbelief in the existence…options open... Being pragmatic I have concluded that every religion out there preaches harsher punishment after death for believers … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …s those people who needs to be blamed, not the religion[/quote] Depends on how you look at it maybe. …When a religion states certain things which can be scientifically proven to be…of a deity, a word which cannot be denied, that religion suppresses science. After all, scientists proving that those religious … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash … 'the opiate of the masses'. He was condemning the way religion is used as an excuse to keep people ignorant of… was something along that line, not exactly. He said that religion should be done away with all together(I know since…..Have you?) You said: "He was condemning the way religion is used as an excuse to keep people ignorant of… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bjdea1 …re saying again and seriously ask yourself - is all religion actually from God? You see ultimately there are 2 …what is so unique about Christianity - its the only religion that gives God the glory for mans restoration back …kinds of other excuses to kill his neigbor - not just religion - I mean consider racism, sexual discrimination, etc. This is… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU … a christian. i do not press my religion Evolution is supressing religion, christians only ask to be allowed to…amount of teaching. What ever happened to freedom of religion? Evolution is forced on every child from kindergarten through… college. I will not force a religion on anyone though[/QUOTE] No one should have … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU … system.[/QUOTE] In our country we could choose which religion we would like to study. If the education system…s always dangerous. My point was to make the religion available for a systematic study in any educational institution--…can study communism, democracy why cant we study religion? If the religion is presented before them as it is without … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash …is in Jeopardy is because it's morals(set by religion) are under attack. Regardless of wether your a …believer or not, religion(specifically christian) creates good morals. Now, there is some…that line). Hitler took that piece of information, got religion out of government, and was left with Germany being … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash … yourself? Eariler posts you were talking about how people of religion kill each other. Now your saying people who can read… me, then don't say I don't study my religion. I do not study other religions, you were correct about… that. And I will NEVER study anyone elses religion just to understand them(or for any other reason), and… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Catweazle … it is virtually a statement that 'science' IS your 'religion'. [QUOTE]It's not really science, because there are too… many assumptions made, including an assumption that religion is false. If any one of those assumptions is …, completely ignore the fact that a belief in a religion depends upon assumptions also, and then make the completely … Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash …]i am a christian. i do not press my religion They only ask for an equal amount of teaching. What… ever happened to freedom of religion?[/QUOTE] Things like this are being taken away by SINGLE…pledge of allegance, even thought this country was founded on religion...It's sad that one person can change things like… What religion are you? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rex_b … think it would be an interesting statistic to see what religion "geeks" follow, or belief system, or nothing at…, and so much crap. So again my question stands. What religion are you, and how does it serve you? Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kc0arf … to God, such as Buddhist, Judism, and Arabic religions. But religion can also be the "bond" of a cruel… the crusades, or the concept of indulgances. Leaders of the religion can turn the base into a collective weapon. I am… defend itself? I do think it is important for a religion to be in a society. Not a state sponsored one… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting [QUOTE=JJ___]Too true, but you can't force religion on people. I'm not saying you're trying to, … good at it actually. Give people the choice to get religion or loose their heads and then be sure to let… standards constantly and you'll see how quickly they get religion. The most fanatical warriors in the (Muslim) Ottoman empire were… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash … just shows your lack of knowledge about each and every religion other than your own. [/QUOTE] I don't give a… religions other than my own. Especially the muslim religion. What kind of religion teachers their followers to drive airplanes into buildings and… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bjdea1 … religions. While you may hold a strong view against their religion, its not wise to say things that directly attack another… provoke quarrels and give reason to unbelievers to slander all religion. Also to a previous post by jwenting. No they don…. I mean I could do the same and create a religion in the same way right now and claim that an… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting These people killed for their religion because they didn't understand their religion as the founders of that religion intended. That's a problem… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by hollystyles … it's own mind and create another... Science is religion and religion is science the universe is one big paradox of paradoxes… I cannot stress what small pawns we are) My current religion dictates that it is bedtime, and who am I to… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by MartyMcFly I personally find that religion and beliefs leave me in a void, where I am … tried to blag her away by denying any knowledge of religion. In the end, I had to admit i had heard… to hell, and promtly walked off. In my opinion preaching religion with out someones consent should be against the law, and… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by moderate_rock48 … bad mouthing me for what I believe. I dont think religion suppress science, people are going to try and figure this… all government works. Please, dont think im trying to push religion off on you, I dont want to be one of… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by JJ___ [QUOTE=jwenting]religion not suppressing science? Tell that to Galileo... Other scientists have … that didn't fit in the framework of the ruling religion. Religious groups in the US and elsewhere want to ban… Re: Evolution: Science vs. Religion Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Toulinwoek [QUOTE=jwenting]religion not suppressing science? Tell that to Galileo... Other scientists have … that didn't fit in the framework of the ruling religion. Religious groups in the US and elsewhere want to ban…