RemoveAll Function (for an Array) Programming Software Development by juan.s.duarte …, index); break; case 3: int removeAll; cout << "Please enter…;< endl; cin >> removeAll; removeAll(intArray, sizeOfArray, removeAll); break; case 4: int insertItem; … Re: RemoveAll Function (for an Array) Programming Software Development by vmanes …the function [code=c++] case 3: int removeAll; //this variable masks the function call that… endl; cin >> removeAll; removeAll(intArray, sizeOfArray, removeAll); break; [/code] Looking at the removeAll( ) function, step through it … a specific index. Why not have the removeAll( ) function call that, every time it… Re: RemoveAll Function (for an Array) Programming Software Development by juan.s.duarte I've reworked the removeAll() to this: [CODE] void removeAll(int intArray[], int& sizeOfArray, int removeAll) { int counter=0; …j = 0; j < sizeOfArray; j++) if(intArray[i]== removeAll) { for(int k = j; k < sizeOfArray; k++)… even if I remove the [CODE]int removeAll;[/CODE] The error output is just for testing … Re: RemoveAll Function (for an Array) Programming Software Development by juan.s.duarte I got it to work. Thanks for the advice vmanes. I saw my error after re-reading your post. Re: RemoveAll Function (for an Array) Programming Software Development by vmanes Glad you got it. Two suggestions for your future posting. When posting long code and referencing line numbers, as the error message did, use code tags to enclose the code. This will give line numbers like you see in my reply above. Also, work on your indenting. You have a couple possibly confusing spots, where it's not clear your intent. For … Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by emmas4impact ….parseInt(tf.getText()); bicycleCount=bicycleCount - input; stock.removeAll(); stock.add("VEHICLES NOW IN STOCK"); stock….parseInt(tf.getText()); otherCount=otherCount - input; stock.removeAll(); stock.add("VEHICLES NOW IN STOCK"); stock… unorderedArrayListType Programming Software Development by poloblue …from the list and length // is decremented by one. void removeAll(const arrayListType& removeItem); arrayListType(int size = 100); …= list[i+1]; length--; } } //end removeAt void arrayListType::removeAll( const arrayListType& removeItem) { int loc=seqSearch(removeItem); for(int… Trying to line break to a new line Programming Software Development by geteducated …() { playercount = 0; dealercount = 0; playerPanel.removeAll(); dealerPanel.removeAll(); playerPanel.updateUI(); dealerPanel.updateUI(); player.reset(); dealer.reset…DEAL if (e.getSource() == SHUFFLE) { deck.shuffle(); playerPanel.removeAll(); dealerPanel.removeAll(); //playerPanel.updateUI(); //dealerPanel.updateUI(); //player.reset(); //dealer.… Use JTextField .getText() value in another class Programming Software Development by Rick-KLN … ("SocialNetworkingLiveLabel.jpg")); pan1.removeAll(); pan1.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); pan2.removeAll(); pan2.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2…)); pan3.removeAll(); pan3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2… Employee Database GUI Programming Software Development by blah123123 ….getSource() == addButton) { panel.revalidate(); panel.removeAll(); //add text fields panel.add(fnameField); panel.add…s", event.getActionCommand()); panel.revalidate(); panel.removeAll(); panel.add(fnameField); panel.add(lnameField); panel.… help me plz Programming Software Development by look@me …template <class elemType> void arrayListType<elemType>::removeAll(const elemType& removeItem) { int loc=seqSearch(removeItem);…=0; i < maxSize; i++) { remove(removeItem); } } //end removeAll template <class elemType> arrayListType<elemType>::arrayListType… how to remove integers from an array Programming Software Development by YingKang …;< " the list is: " << endl; removeAll(list, ARRAY_SIZE, removeItem); cout << endl; system("PAUSE…"); return 0; } void removeAll(int list[], int ARRAY_SIZE, int removeItem) { int loc; for(loc… Re: how to remove integers from an array Programming Software Development by YingKang … removed: " << endl; cin >> removeItem; counter = removeAll(list, ARRAY_SIZE, removeItem); if(counter == 0) cout << "… << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } int removeAll(int list[], int ARRAY_SIZE, int removeItem) { int counter = 0; int… Collection problem Programming Software Development by OffbeatPatriot …toRemove = new HashSet(locations.keySet()); //method 1 toRemove.removeAll(actors); //method 2 for(Actor actor : actors){ toRemove…} } } return result; } public boolean removeAll(Collection c) { boolean result = actorList.removeAll(c); for(Object o : c){ if(o… Container class problem Programming Software Development by icelantic …(const char new_string[]); bool removeString(const char old_string[]); size_t removeAll(const char old_string[]); bool substitute(const char old_string[], const …1); i++) { strcpy(storage[i], storage[i+1]); } } } } size_t stringArray::removeAll(const char old_string[]) { for(int i = 0; i < max_size… Simple application with multiple windows - Java Programming Software Development by Seijuro …actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //myJFrame.setVisible(false); cp.removeAll(); myJFrame.setSize(700,400); JPanel Panel1 = new …new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { cp.removeAll(); myJFrame.setSize(700,600); JPanel Panel2 = new JPanel();… logical error? Programming Software Development by IS_student …void remove(const type elem); //void Setelem(type); void removeall(const type); void replaceall(const type &,const type …template <class type> void arrayListType<type>::removeall(const type elem) { for(int i=0;i<size…object one deleting all occurance:\n\n"; ob1.removeall(e); ob1.print(); cout<<"\n\n… Problem with jlist Programming Software Development by greatcornholio … mostrarConsulta() { Proveedores_clase proveedorActual; boolean seguir; ResultSet rs; Statement comand; listProveedores.removeAll(); try { conexiones.conectaralabase(); comand = conexiones.cnn.createStatement(); rs = comand.executeQuery… Re: Using ArrayList for first time Programming Software Development by sammoto …I've added a `println(cards)` in both the removeAll method (numbered "1"), and the searchValue method…searchValue( at CardPile.removeAll( at Player.removeAll( at GoFish.…main( I don't understand why removeAll is setting null elements and removing cards - or… card game. I tried but failed. please help Programming Software Development by rowen_1 …for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { playerPanel.removeAll(); dealerPanel.removeAll(); playerPanel.updateUI(); dealerPanel.updateUI(); for(i = 0; i <…btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { betPanel.removeAll(); betPanel.updateUI(); } }); please help if possible thanks Re: Collection problem Programming Software Development by javaAddict … equals() since he is using the removeAll method. Right? [/QUOTE] He is not using a removeAll method with no arguments. Perhaps you… Re: Problem with jlist Programming Software Development by greatcornholio …boolean seguir; ResultSet rs; Statement comand; listProveedores.removeAll(); try { conexiones.conectaralabase(); comand = conexiones.…= 1 ORDER BY nombre_proveedor"); // listProveedores.removeAll(); seguir =; while (seguir)… Re: Problem with jlist Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill maybe the problem is here: [ICODE]// listProveedores.removeAll();[/ICODE] why is that commented out? It looks to me like you do need to remove the old data before adding the latest data. What happens if you do a [ICODE]listProveedores.removeAll();[/ICODE] before any updates? "cannot resolve symbol"problem Programming Software Development by Kaone … null) simPanel.stopSim(); this.getContentPane().removeAll(); setUpDesignerButtons(); this.getContentPane().add(menuBar,…roadNetwork,savedTiming); this.getContentPane().removeAll(); setUpSimButtons(); this.getContentPane… Source Code that don't work? Programming Software Development by buggytoast … null. * @since 1.2 */ public synchronized boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { return super.removeAll(c); } /** * Retains only the elements in this… Players taking turns Programming Software Development by volscolts16 …"); } // end if } // end remove public void removeAll() { // setting head to null causes list to be // …// collection head = null; NumItems = 0; } // end removeAll } // end ListReferenceBased import java.lang.Object.*; public class LinkedListTester implements… Re: Players taking turns Programming Software Development by iamthwee … on remove" ); } // end if } // end remove public void removeAll() { // setting head to null causes list to be // unreachable and… marked for garbage // collection head = null; NumItems = 0; } // end removeAll } // end ListReferenceBased import java.lang.Object.*; public class LinkedListTester implements… Please help me to explain these codes Programming Software Development by lordx78 … FileWriter("newAccounts.txt"); Pseudo.addAll(Old); Pseudo.removeAll(Current); Object IteData; Iterator PseudoIte = Pseudo.iterator(); gradAcc…tName\r\n"); Pseudo.clear(); Pseudo.addAll(Current); Pseudo.removeAll(Old); PseudoIte = Pseudo.iterator(); while(PseudoIte.hasNext()) { IteData… Re: JPAnel need clean sweaping Programming Software Development by peter_budo …;); jmiAddEmployee.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { mainPanel.removeAll(); mainPanel.add(addEP); validate(); } }); JMenuItem jmiEditEmployee = new JMenuItem("Edit… Lost with how to start Programming Software Development by littlebean21289 …parseInt(inputYear); Graphics g = panel.getGraphics(); panel.removeAll(); Date theDate = new Date(month,day,year);…= null; Graphics g = panel.getGraphics(); panel.removeAll(); Date theDate = new Date(month,day,year);…