5 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for McLaren

[CODE] if(!$this->upload->do_upload()) { //echo $config['upload_path']; $error = $this->upload->display_errors(); echo $error.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); $this->load->model('Image_model','image'); if($data['image_width'] > 700) { $task = $this->image->image_resize_for_gallery('./uploads/gallery/'.$this->input->post('album_folder').'/'.$data['file_name']); if($task != 'ok') { echo $task.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } } if($this->image->gallery_thumb($this->input->post('album_folder'),$data['file_name'])) { …

Member Avatar for massy

i'm not sure what its called but basically my web site looks and runs fine until the window is NOT full screen. the items are replaced and reorganized. how do i make it so the web page is fixed and if the browser window is not maximized it just shows …

Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, how can I resize a [U]borderless[/U] window with a [U]custom[/U] component (something like status bar) that docks at the bottom part of my window. I draw a sizing grip in the bottom right corner of my scustom tatus bar. I was able to implement functionality for my borderless window …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hey I have a question in datagridview resize columns in visual studio C#. I made the datagridview “AllowUserToResizeColumn” false from the properties window in the interface. But when I run the project, some of the columns can be resized Why is this. How can I make all the columns to …

Member Avatar for diracleo

When content is loaded into a div on my web site, the div, while waiting for the new content to load, resizes to 0px in height, which causes the scrollbar on the browser to shift upward, and then when the new content loads, the scrollbar is too far up for …


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