Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa …->execute("SELECT * FROM Products"); sql::ResultSet* result = stmt->getResultSet(); while (result->next… // Use WHERE here "GROUP BY ProductName"); sql::ResultSet* result1 = stmt->getResultSet(); while (result1->next())… Re: ResultSet Error java.rmi.UnmarshalException Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ `ResultSet` is not serializable. You can only send across things which can be serialized across the wire e.g. `List`, `Set` etc. Any reason why you want to send the result set to the user instead of the data inside it? jdbc connectivity with sqlserver Programming Web Development by rahul pareek ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from category"); rs.moveToInsertRow(); … Re: Retrieve value from MySQL table from a dynamically populated combobox value Programming Web Development by Biiim …;SELECT `AIRCRAFTREGISTRATION`,`USEABLESEATS` FROM ACTIVE"); <?php while($rows = $resultSet->fetch_assoc()) { $acreg = $rows['AIRCRAFTREGISTRATION']; echo "<option value… resultset updatable Programming Databases by jkushner …private variables Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; String dbUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:… statements stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); System.out.println("Resultset is now updatable"); String… ResultSet Error java.rmi.UnmarshalException Programming Software Development by dendenny01 … public interface inter extends Remote{ public ResultSet loginDB(String username, String password)throws RemoteException;… RemoteException{ conn=javaConnect.ConnecrDb(); } @Override public ResultSet loginDB(String username, String password) throws RemoteException … Re: Resultset,fethich recodrds and moving to next record Programming Software Development by chdboy …* from Employer"; try { stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if(rs.first());… takes me to the Last record in the ResultSet ..misses all the other records. I want … resultSet and unicode problem Programming Software Development by MxDev … = null; public Statement Stmnt = null; public ResultSet rs = null; public dbWordsCon(){ try{ Class.forName…DriverManager.getConnection(URL); this.Stmnt = this.Con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM … Resultset,fethich recodrds and moving to next record Programming Software Development by chdboy …;; try { stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);…quot;; try { stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if… resultset within the resultset Programming Web Development by brr iam getting problem while using resultset within resultset like... [code=java]while({ ....... ...... s=rs.getString(1); … of inner result set iam not getting values of outer resultset (null) like rs.getString(1);//nullpointer exception if i store… ResultSet rs.setString(1) Programming Software Development by ceyesuma … [C@1428ea studentPassword: SELECT stu_password FROM student WHERE stu_uid=? ResultSet rs= : org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet40@19113f8 May …b]ps.setString(1, newUser);<--------------------[/b] ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); System.out.println("ResultSet rs= : "+rs.toString()); String … Re: ResultSet rs.setString(1) Programming Software Development by masijade …;--------------------[/code] is not your problem. This [code] ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); System.out.println("ResultSet rs= : "+rs.toString()); String password… PreparedStatement's setString was were the exception rather than the ResultSet's getString method? Re: ResultSet Error java.rmi.UnmarshalException Programming Software Development by dendenny01 Ok since ResultSet is not Serializable I have to extract the result in some Arraylist and then transfer it to client ... thanks a lot Re: resultset within the resultset Programming Web Development by masijade Use a new statement object to retreive the second resultset, as, as the API docs [i]clearly[/i] state, executing another SQL command on a statement object will automatically close all previously opened resultsets associated with that statement. Re: resultset within the resultset Programming Web Development by senthil_sivanat … where userid="+session.getAttribute("userid")+""; ResultSet rs1=null; PreparedStatement ps1=null; ps1=con.prepareStatement(query1); rs1… Re: Resultset,fethich recodrds and moving to next record Programming Software Development by bhanu1607 … using? Microsoft old version will not support sensitive and updatable resultset. Check the following link for more details [Click Here](http… resultset getDate() error Programming Software Development by Ron2794 … I am getting the error. [CODE] Calendar c1=Calendar.getInstance(); ResultSet rs=stm.executeQuery("Select AccessionNumber,Name,Fine,DueDate from… dispDuedate; Date dispIssuedate; int check=0; Calendar c1=Calendar.getInstance(); ResultSet rs=stm.executeQuery("Select AccessionNumber,Name,Fine,DueDate from… ResultSet.... getterMethod() Programming Software Development by fdrage which method in the ResultSet that will return the number of column in a table? … ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery() Programming Web Development by tmv105 Can anyone help me to store my result set into another object so that I can display it on my jsp page in a table. I can get output of my resultSet from a System.out.println(rs.getString(i)) stance. I tried storing each row in a vector and then each row of vectors in a no avail. can anyone help me? Resultset and JSTL Programming Web Development by Cerberus Hi. Is it possible to use a resultset from a scriplet in a <c:forEach> loop? E.g. [CODE]results = prepstatement.executeQuery(); request.setAttribute("results", results);[/CODE] [CODE]<c:forEach items="${results.rows}" var="row"> row.fieldValue <br /> </c:forEach>[/CODE] Thanks. resultset from drop down box Programming Web Development by danik How do you display a drop down box with a resultset in a loop? I just get a sql exception with … Re: resultset from drop down box Programming Web Development by ~s.o.s~ Initially the ResultSet cursor is positioned before the first record. You compulsorily need … ResultSet in jdbc Programming Software Development by eman 22 as I read in javadoc resultset represents a table which contain database therefore I want to know if there are a general way to iterate this result set and return data of it. on other side the interface result set contain method getString(int coloumindex), how can I implement this method? Re: ResultSet in jdbc Programming Software Development by eman 22 I'm already reading this tutorial but this tutorial doesn't contain any implementation for interface Resultset. Re: ResultSet in jdbc Programming Software Development by eman 22 … is not efficient because I declared a variable in class resultSet. so if any body having other algorithm tell me. ResultSet to List<String> Programming Software Development by vomhaus …;order by item "; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<String> answers = null; try { //Define… database ResultSet into JTable Programming Software Development by nikolaos …from the newly created table ResultSet resultset = statement.getResultSet(); //get the resultset if (resultset != null){ //if the…int j = 0; resultset.beforeFirst(); while ( { String number = resultset.getString(1); Table.setValueAt… how to handle multiple resultset in php & mssql Programming Web Development by Menzk … using mssql_fetch_assoc() & mssql_next_result(). How to store each resultset in a array and retrieve it. $result=student_sp('1231…is SP will return 2 resultset 1st resultset : name & age(1 row) 2nd resultset: subject,marks and terms(… for (multiple row as in second resultset) and then the second resultset How to handle this looping. Re: database ResultSet into JTable Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … 52-68) into a method with the signature [I]public ResultSet getDataFor(String user, String password[/I]) and that method could… Re: Java JDBC ResultSet Programming Software Development by jerbo … the cursor down one row from its current position. A ResultSet cursor is initially positioned before the first row; the first…; System.exit(1); } String SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM Mydatabase"; ResultSet rs = null; // Create Result set Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); rs…