RGBQUAD array from bitmap Programming Software Development by Kesarion How can I get an RGBQUAD array of the pixels from a bitmap created from the screen(screenshot/printscreen). Problem when trying to read a bitmap file Programming Software Development by adraganov … drew 4 pixels with paint). [CODE] void ReadBitmap(char* FileName) { RGBQUAD Palette[4]; BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapFileHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader; FILE *stream=fopen(FileName… bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth); printf("height - %d\n", bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight); RGBQUAD pixel; for(int l=0;l<4;l++) { if… Comparing Bitmaps Help Programming Software Development by triumphost … 1: AdditionalMemory = 1 * sizeof(RGBQUAD); break; case 4: AdditionalMemory = 15 * sizeof(RGBQUAD); break; case 8: AdditionalMemory = 255 * sizeof(RGBQUAD); break; case 16: case… Screen Capture Program Programming Software Development by kashmir323 …, SRCCOPY); if ((lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFO)(new char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)])) == NULL) return 0; ZeroMemory(&lpbi->bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER…(PalEntries){ if (!WriteFile(BmpFile, &lpbi->bmiColors, PalEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD), &Written, NULL)) return 0; if (Written < PalEntries * … Save a screenshot file as a better quality Programming Software Development by Niine … &lpbi->bmiColors, PalEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD), &Written, NULL)) { CloseHandle(BmpFile);… 0; } if (Written < PalEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) { CloseHandle(BmpFile); return 0; } } bmfh.bfOffBits… Testing pixel colors Programming Software Development by Suzie999 …= 1; BMI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; BMI.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; RGBQUAD *pPixels = new RGBQUAD[w * h]; GetDIBits( rectDC, hbmp, y, h, pPixels, &… // here I need to somehow loop through the array of RGBQUAD struct in a rect manner. //std::cout << pPixels… Re: Problem when trying to read a bitmap file Programming Software Development by manutm Not sure if I'm right but you're reading the color table (an array of RGBQUAD structures), **not** the actual pixels data (which type is BYTE). Then, about rgbReserved, you shouldn't assume anything since its ... reserved. Maybe this can help: [URL="http://www.digicamsoft.com/bmp/bmp.html"]http://www.digicamsoft.com/bmp/bmp.html[/URL] Re: Problem when trying to read a bitmap file Programming Software Development by adraganov … 24-bit bitmap is represented with 24bits for pixel, so RGBQUAD is not suitable. Everything is perfect when using RGBTRIPLE in… Re: Testing pixel colors Programming Software Development by Suzie999 … = 1; BMI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; BMI.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; RGBQUAD *pPixels = new RGBQUAD[w * h]; int GDB = GetDIBits(hdcDest, hbmp, y, 0… Re: Testing pixel colors Programming Software Development by Suzie999 … = 1; BMI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; BMI.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; RGBQUAD *pPixels = new RGBQUAD[(width * height) + width + height]; std::cout << "… vb 6.0 Programming Software Development by sam.ss … biClrImportant As Long End Type Public Type RGBQUAD rgbBlue As Byte rgbGreen As Byte rgbRed …Type BITMAPINFO bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(255) As RGBQUAD End Type Public bmp_Info As BITMAPINFO Public Const … Save Graphics From Clipboard to File?? Programming Software Development by caseyrodman86 …; void *pBits; HBITMAP hbmp; BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader; BITMAPINFOHEADER infoheader; RGBQUAD colors[256]; BITMAPINFO bmpinfo; HGDIOBJ hret; dwWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc…, dwNumColors, colors); fileheader.bfType = 0x4D42; ColorSize = dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD); fileheader.bfSize = ((dwWidth*dwHeight*dwBPP) >> 3) + ColorSize… pixel problem Programming Software Development by Zhassan …;bfh),sizeof(bfh)); im.read((char*)(&bih),sizeof(bih)); RGBQUAD map[bih.biHeight][bih.biWidth]; int sum = 0; int x…;y;j++){ im.read((char*)(&map[i][j]),sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if(map[i][j].rgbBlue == 255 && map[i… Access pixel colors from an image file Programming Software Development by blitzkrieg64 …hCaptureDC; HBITMAP hCaptureBitmap; BITMAPINFO bmi = {0}; RGBQUAD *pPixels; LPTSTR szFileName; BITMAP bm; int nScreenWidth,…32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; pPixels = new RGBQUAD[nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight]; ::GetDIBits(hCaptureDC, hCaptureBitmap, 0,… Re: Access pixel colors from an image file Programming Software Development by triumphost …void Meh(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR szFileName) { Bitmap BM; RGBQUAD *pPixels; BITMAPINFO bmi = {0}; HDC hDesktopDC = GetDC…= 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; pPixels = new RGBQUAD[nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight]; GetDIBits(hCaptureDC, hCaptureBitmap, 0, nScreenHeight, pPixels… Re: Testing pixel colors Programming Software Development by nullptr typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { BYTE rgbBlue; BYTE rgbGreen; BYTE rgbRed; BYTE rgbReserved; // must be zero } RGBQUAD; Just mask out the most significant byte. `pPixels[idx] & 0xFFFFFF` using pointers on VB6 Programming Software Development by cambalinho …As Long biClrImportant As Long End Type Private Type RGBQUAD rgbBlue As Byte rgbGreen As Byte rgbRed As …BITMAPINFO bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(0 To 255) As RGBQUAD End Type 'Pointers: Private Type SAFEARRAYBOUND cElements As Long… CreateDIBSection fails Programming Software Development by toolmanx … case WM_CREATE: { //--------------------------------- BITMAPINFO Page 370 CONST BITMAPINFO *bmi; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; //---------------------------------- BITMAPINFOHEADER Page 364 DWORD biSize = (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); LONG… CreateDIBitmap problem Programming Software Development by toolmanx …; HGLOBAL hmem2; HGLOBAL hmem3; BITMAPFILEHEADER *fileHdr; BITMAPINFOHEADER *infoHdr; BITMAPINFO *lpbmi; RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; BYTE rgbBlue; BYTE rgbGreen; BYTE rgbRed; BYTE rgbReserved… Loading Bitmaps Programming Software Development by triumphost … read a LOT of tutorials on bitmaps. I learned that RGBQuad is for 32 bit bitmaps and RGBTripple is for 24… Re: Creating and Saving a Bitmap Programming Software Development by William Hemsworth …, SRCCOPY); if ((lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFO)(new char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)])) == NULL) return 0; ZeroMemory(&lpbi->bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER…(PalEntries){ if (!WriteFile(BmpFile, &lpbi->bmiColors, PalEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD), &Written, NULL)) return 0; if (Written < PalEntries * … Re: Read image pixel values Programming Software Development by Zhassan …;bfh),sizeof(bfh)); im.read((char*)(&bih),sizoef(bih)); RGBQUAD map[bih.biHeight][bih.biWidth];//just create some map wich….biWidth;j++){ im.read((char*)(&map[i][j]),sizeof(RGBQUAD)); //so step by step read exact pixel colors and so… Re: Convert image data (PDEImage) in PDF to DIB using C++? Programming Software Development by BobS0327 …) { union { BITMAPINFO stBitmapInfo; BYTE pReserveSpace[sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 0xFF * sizeof(RGBQUAD)]; }; ZeroMemory(pReserveSpace, sizeof(pReserveSpace)); stBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(stBitmapInfo.bmiHeader… Re: Convert image data (PDEImage) in PDF to DIB using C++? Programming Software Development by sachintha81 …) { union { BITMAPINFO stBitmapInfo; BYTE pReserveSpace[sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 0xFF * sizeof(RGBQUAD)]; }; ZeroMemory(pReserveSpace, sizeof(pReserveSpace)); stBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(stBitmapInfo.bmiHeader… Re: FreeImage Transparency Programming Software Development by foehner … image_type As FREE_IMAGE_TYPE Dim pixel_size As Integer Dim bg_color As RGBQUAD Dim color_type As Integer ''''' Open the two jpg files and… Re: RGBQUAD array from bitmap Programming Software Development by Kesarion Ok, I figured out how to use GetDIBits() to get my array. Now I don't know the order of the colors or pixels. Is it B/G/R and pixels from start from the lower left corner to the top right or another order ? Re: RGBQUAD array from bitmap Programming Software Development by Salem A simple RTFM would have answered your questions (all of them) [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162938%28VS.85%29.aspx[/url] Re: Problem when trying to read a bitmap file Programming Software Development by mrnutty You need to do a little more : [code] int LoadBitmap(const char* filename) { GLubyte* pixels; HBITMAP hbmp; BITMAP bmp; GLuint size; GLenum format; GLuint totalBytes; texID++; hbmp=(HBITMAP)LoadImage(GetModuleHandle(NULL), (LPWSTR)filename.c_str(), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | … Re: Comparing Bitmaps Help Programming Software Development by Salem > Why does it always return true?! Why don't you run it in the debugger and find out which path through the code it takes. I mean, if it always hits line 29, then you're looking in the wrong place. Re: Screen Capture Program Programming Software Development by William Hemsworth If all you want to do is let allow the user to input the bitmap name, use [B]std::cin[/B] to get the name, and [B]strcat[/B] ".bmp" on the end. Change your main code like this:[CODE=CPLUSPLUS]int main() { int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int x2 = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int y2 = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); char bmp_name[…