5 Topics

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Member Avatar for devjeetroy

So I'm making a text editor with syntax highlighting. I'm subclassing richedit and using drawtext to overwrite(Exactly like in Iczelion's tutorials). I was trying to solve the highlighting part, and up till now, I've managed to paint over all of the text(no syntax discrimination). But I've run into a strange …

Member Avatar for stinkypete

I am trying to catch EN_VSCROLL (vertical scroll) messages from a richedit control. So far I have done the following: In the form's oncreate: [CODE]int mask = SendMessage(richedit->Handle, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); SendMessage(richedit->Handle, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, mask + ENM_SCROLL); Application->OnMessage = AppMessage;[/CODE] My onmessage function is: [CODE]void form::AppMessage(tagMsg &Msg, bool &Handled) { …

Member Avatar for strmstn

Hi. I have a richedit control and when dropping text from another control I would like to change the format of that text. I wonder which messages I should trap or how to do this in plain Winapi. (I have already subclassed the pasting message) Thank you.

Member Avatar for lukegw

Everytime btnSendClick is execute, 2 messages will be added to the rich edit. The first needs to be of fixed values (BOLD, size 8 etc) The second needs to be changable by the user using a FontDialog box. This is my below code, but it doesnt quite work, it pretty …

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Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I am trying to print content from a Win32 richedit control, but it doesn't work. The text wraps to the half width of the page, and after printing, the text in the richedit is also messed up (word wrap to the half width of the box). I use …


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