ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. … reflects that while initiatives to integrate women in traditionally masculine roles have gained momentum, the reverse movement remains relatively underdeveloped. Subsequent… Roles.IsUserInRole() can't get it work !!! Programming Web Development by Yamazaki …{ if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, password)) { if (Roles.IsUserInRole("Saleman")) Response.Redirect("~/Saleman.aspx…"); else if (Roles.IsUserInRole("Accountant")) Response.Redirect("… Re: Roles.IsUserInRole() can't get it work !!! Programming Web Development by Yamazaki Problem solved, incorrect syntax, i should use it like that: [icode]Roles.IsUserInRole(string username, string rolename){}[/icode] Roles & Privileges Programming Databases by samarudge Does anyone know anything about Oracle Roles & privileges. An application on 9i has multiple roles assigned to each user. I am getting… problems, I think because there are conflicting privileges within the roles. EG: Role1 has SELECT, UPDATE on table1. Role2 has SELECT… Re: Roles & Privileges Programming Databases by debasisdas That never happens. It seems you mis-understood the concept of Roles and privileges. In your case if the user has both the privileges ROLE1 and ROLE2 then the user will have SELECT and INSERT and UPDATE on the table1. one role will not over write to another it only adds to the privileges of the other existing/granted roles. Roles assignment to users Programming Web Development by MARKAND911 How many ways are there to assign roles to users in MVC? URGENT! Loading Roles From ticket.UserData Programming Web Development by jhoop2002 … assign to Current User HttpContext.Current.User = new GenericPrincipal(id, roles); } } } } protected void Application_OnStart() { // Application startup code goes here. }…; <deny users="?" /> <!--<allow roles="Admin" />--> </authorization> <… Help with Roles Stored in SQL database Programming Web Development by Anddmx …id.Ticket Dim userData As String = ticket.UserData Dim roles As String() = userData.Split("admin") … <allow users="*"/> <allow roles="admin" /> </authorization> …As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand cmd.CommandText = "SELECT roles FROM users WHERE username=@username " + "AND… Usernames and Roles? Programming Web Development by Roses89 ….FindControl("ListOfRoles"), CheckBoxList) ListRoles.DataSource = Roles.GetAllRoles() ListRoles.DataBind() End If End Sub Protected …ListItem In ListRoles.Items If li.Selected Then Roles.AddUserToRole(RegisterUser.UserName, li.Text) End If… JSP and Login Page with different users' roles Programming Web Development by mareham.shafik … username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/> <user username="… username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username…="admin" password="secret" roles="admin,manager"/> </tomcat-users>… Re: Usernames and Roles? Programming Web Development by kvprajapati …; </asp:CreateUserWizard> .. [/code] .cs (There are two roles : [B]Admin[/B] and [B]Member[/B] [code] ... protected… { if(RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue=="Admin") System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRole(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, "Admin"); else System.Web.… Re: JSP and Login Page with different users' roles Programming Web Development by stultuske ehm .... if it is to have roles in your personal application, it has nothing to do with tomcat-users or the tomcat config. you have to define roles in your db and application, not in your server. Re: Help with Roles Stored in SQL database Programming Web Development by Anddmx Sorry... The roles doesnt work right.. I just want admins to beable to see admin link on default.aspx webpage. Windows 2003 Server roles Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Crack … anyone know where I can find guidelines for multiple server roles? I am not having much luck finding info on this…. Which roles are ok to mix and which are not reccommneded? Can… regarding the do's and don'ts of mixing server roles, Microsoft applications and services on a single server. Include roles in SiteMap - Tree control Programming Web Development by koppv0 … implement the role based navigation. Assume my application has 3 roles R1, R2 and R3. Now by default all the links… appear for all the roles and if I need to implement the logic in DataBound… event. Is there any automatic configuration that will take the roles as input and bind the navigation? Re: login with roles Programming Web Development by dnanetwork … of users.. next to list of users...there are roles... now add roles...and assign users for a suitable role... okey let… me your website have users with roles.. okey you need to implement a formauthentication code… Re: Windows 2003 Server roles Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by MAD_DOG I dont see any issues running all those services/applications and server roles as you described. There shouldn't be any issues what's so ever. Re: Windows 2003 Server roles Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mteeters … an article on the MS site about managing the FSMO roles. I have it printed and refer to it often. It… Setting Roles and Users in MS SQL Programming Databases by Silentiopk4 … SQL Server Enterprise Manager 8.0 to set up those roles such that students can (where appropriate) select, insert, update, or… and for volunteers. (The database was set up with no roles other than the standard ones and everyone was called a… login with roles Programming Web Development by chrispaul8676 … have included the C# behind code. i want to use roles and membership, but don't know how. i am not… procedure codes. please help. its urgent. [I]i have three roles including manager, delivery boy and customer.[/I] [ICODE]<asp… Re: login with roles Programming Web Development by chrispaul8676 my login page involves roles, so once i include: [QUOTE]if (FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(UserName.Text, Password.Text)) Response.Redirect("Your Fav. Page");[/QUOTE] will i be able to connect to the roles that is done in the configuration. Please reply. It is urgent. Help with storing/accessing user access roles C# Winforms Programming Software Development by SharpNovice …, for example; if the user has been assigned the following roles in the database: "Sales Ledger", "Purchase Ledger…] That works fine, however the _modules object contains mutiple permissions/roles depending on what has been set in the database, how… ASP.Net Membership and Roles and Login Controls Programming Web Development by sumisudhakar … application where i need to implement ASP.Net Membership and Roles. I have used Login controls in my pages. Also I… bind the data to the Menu based on the user roles. My issue is that the generated Menu is not behaving… Adding Roles on Windows Server 2008 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Growl How can I add more roles (make a whole list that I need (for example Active Directory Domain Services)? I have just one option on the list - a Web Server (IIS), but I need whole list of roles installation... ***I got licensed Microsoft product by the way!*** [Should be (list)]( Re: Adding Roles on Windows Server 2008 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gbarnas Windows Web Server Edition has no roles to add other than IIS web server. It's a special edition of Server 2008 at a lower cost, and has limited capability. If I recall, IIS components and DNS are all that are available. Consequently, if you can't add any roles other than IIS, you likely have the Web edition. Glenn login form with roles Programming Software Development by Mafiamanandre … make one that can identify the user according to their roles. Eg. Roles 1-4. Role 1 being the lowest user so… Re: Adding Roles on Windows Server 2008 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by JorgeM You can add server roles and features using the Server Manager administrative console. Re: Adding Roles on Windows Server 2008 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cguan_77 type this from the run window or from cmd: ServerManager.msc and click on add roles Re: login form with roles Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim … property to "\*" to hide the characters. To use roles you would have to have a database or an encrypted… loading roles from DB to auth cookie Programming Web Development by jhoop2002 … for whatever reason i am stuck trying to get the roles for each user from my database into the authorization cookie…