577 Topics

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Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Im working on a project at work and i need to process data with SOAP. Im fine with PHP but brand new to soap. The process im to follow is: 1. I recieve a message from a 3rd party system. 2. I call "userinfo" from that 3rd party …

Member Avatar for manofspider

Hi all, How to install these services to our web site ? - SVN , Git, and Mercurial Repositories - Mantis, Redmine Projects I think it should be easy to install Open Source application on Web Hosting. Thanks.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for askjake

Hi All, I am testing the web services I have deployed on my glassfish but upon clicking the "test" button, an exception occured. For reference, pls see exception below. javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: {http://services.wet.webservice.ngin.smart.com/}AccountManagementService is not a valid service. Valid services are: {http://services.lawak.webservice.ngin.smart.com/}AccountManagementService at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.monitoring.WebServiceTesterServlet.initializePort(WebServiceTesterServlet.java:569) at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.monitoring.WebServiceTesterServlet.doGet(WebServiceTesterServlet.java:184) at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.monitoring.WebServiceTesterServlet.invoke(WebServiceTesterServlet.java:119) at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.JAXWSServlet.doGet(JAXWSServlet.java:237) at …

Member Avatar for ChaseW

I am looking for a way to add a "footer" to all of the posts in my RSS feeds. So, if they are having my rss feeds displayed on their forum, for example, then at the bottom of each post it can say something similar to "Feed By ChaseW". Does …

Member Avatar for jeancarlo
Member Avatar for adityagadre

Please provide a sample stateful webservice in java which would be accible in both java and .net clients.

Member Avatar for javedkhan

Hello everyone, How can I find out what scripting language is used for a website? For example If I am looking at BBC.co.uk how do I know the scripting language like PHP, JSP, ASP etc. Please reply. its urgent ,.........thanks

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ym_chaitu

Hai i am building a site for validation of the RSS feeds and adding it in the database. When a user enters a rss web address i need to validate the address and if it contains a rss then i need to enter it into the site or else i …

Member Avatar for Canaan_moore
Member Avatar for richardtreier

I didnt knew where to post, so I randomly posted here ^^ please forgive me :twisted: Ok, ill make it short: nhn websites: e.g.: [URL="http://www2.ijji.com/downloads.nhn"]Ijji download[/URL] What is that??? i wonder if its an own language or something copied (e.g. php files with an other extension)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sinopa

Does anyone know how I can get this script to show all the entries in atom.xml? It only shows the top four right now. [CODE] google.load("feeds", "1"); function initialize() { var feed = new google.feeds.Feed("http://thedosblogger.blogspot.com/atom.xml"); feed.load(function(result) { if (!result.error) { var container = document.getElementById("feed"); for (var i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been doing some research on RSS and have managed to find out how to create a feed and where to submit it (feedburner.com) but I'm yet to find out how the visitors to my site receive my RSS feed automatically. Feedburner.com doesn't explain this and for the …

Member Avatar for iamnamja

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a web service using excel. I have currently no issues logging into the web service and also fetching data using one of the methods. But the two other methods, I get the error that states that it had run into an error restoring data. …

Member Avatar for komyg

Hi, I am creating a Web Service from a top down approach (WSDL first) and I am using a datetime element as part of a complex type. The XML Schema definition states that the format of the datetime element should be "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", however my costumer has requested that we change …

Member Avatar for premkumarnps

How to develop a highly available Web service community using Asp.net and mysql as Database server?

Member Avatar for shosoloza2010

Hi every one I have been given a task to investigate and come up with an integrated all-in-one mobile student information system where students can be informed of class changes by text, and inform their lecturer that they will be absent. Question 1 what would be the necessary hardware and …

Member Avatar for shosoloza2010
Member Avatar for manofspider

Hi all, How to be professional in web development? any web technologies that we can use? Lists: Web Service, Web Cache, JSON, Ajax, Web Security, ... any thing else ? What books teach about these technologies all in one ? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Brohm
Member Avatar for sacarias40

Hello, it has come time for me to be able to accept a credit card/multiple credit cards on a website. I ask you guys to guide me in the correct direction to doing this. I do not want to use pay pal or a payment gateway. Thank you, much regard!

Member Avatar for studentcredit
Member Avatar for deepakrao.tech

Hi, I am trying to write a soap client to connect to the hosted webservice of GlobalWeather. But i am getting lot of execption. I am posting the client and exception. If someone has as sample client code to connect to Globalweather that would be helpful. [CODE=java]package samples.hello; import org.apache.axis.client.Call; …

Member Avatar for valleymorning

Hi everyone, I hope you all a Happy New Year with joy, peace and success. I'm using Java and XML to develop web services and would like to learn how to test or debug web services. I would love to hear from you and appreciate any idea or suggestion. Thank …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for adhsys

I have the VS2008 Installed, but cann't find the wsdl.EXE prg. I need to create a proxy for a wsdl file to consume the ws. Where can I locate it? Thanks.

Member Avatar for PeterTuffin

I have written a WCF client which consumes a 3rd party web service. I used the Visual Studio "Add Service Reference" wizard, and have used the code that it created without a hitch. It is great. Once I had my client tested on my own development PC and then again …

Member Avatar for PeterTuffin
Member Avatar for onaopepo

Hi,i m presently working on a project in which i am to store a fingerprint image gotten from a fingerprint reader into a database.I am using the web service too and i have been at this for a pretty long while.i ll be very grateful if theres anyone out there …

Member Avatar for srinandini

hiiiiii everyone. I am btech final year student.And I'm creating a website and I need to create a rss feed to my website to update news to the subscribers.So, can anyone give me idea of creating dat. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Duleee
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I am trying to maximize the SEO benefits to my clients corporate site that come from being linked to the blogs they have set up and I was wondering if there is anything I can do to squeeze some SEO benefits from the RSS feeds on the blogs? Is this …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for Taniotoshi

Hi all, feel good to be back! I am looking for a server side RSS aggregator (open-source) that would propose the most output options. I do not really care about client-side-wise features, as it will be modified to fit my needs. Ideally it would be based on a SQL like …

Member Avatar for btech_Saurabh

Hi Community..... "The request failed with the error message:<head><title>Document Moved</title></head>\n<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This document may be found <a HREF=\"http://moss:25031/sites/Transformers/default.aspx\">here</a></body>" I get this error whenever i trying to use my WebServices via Proxy Class. I have created a Custom WebService, It builds fine. Then i created a .disco and .wsdl file by using …

Member Avatar for KSDev
Member Avatar for wonderland

Hi, My apologies if this is the wrong section. I wanted to know is it possible to set up .htaccess so that when user is promted for username and password, username is already input. OR just password is needed in order to proceed ? Thanks

Member Avatar for wonderland
Member Avatar for vishnu_1984

I am consuming a webservice which takes in 10 parameters. The aim of the call to the webservice is to obtain a Task ID.All the parameters for the call are supplied from a JSP page(using JSF). The following is the web service call [CODE] return mySoap.addTaskToProject(ticket, projectId, srcLangId, tarLangId, componentId, …

Member Avatar for jesus.christ

Hi, i am very new to gsoap n SOAP thing. i tried executing the first sample example using gSOAP. It is the calculator example. i do not know the basics of gSOAP and di not find the same on net.. what i have done is: 1) compiled the calcclient - …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

like isnt there a way to update an rss feed without using other programs? i have an .rss feed and it has like 10 entries or whatever they are callled but its only because i cant update it manually everytime i want to. that would be rediculous. also ihave some …

Member Avatar for zmiunzi
Member Avatar for komyg

Hi, I am new to JBoss and I need to develop a scalable application that should function as a Web Service (in essence a message exchange service between servers and clients). Furthermore all of the requests and responses to and from this application should be inside a transaction. Reading through …


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