4 Topics

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Suppose you have a php script where a user is prompted to enter a number. You then do something with that number ... you increment it, perform some other math calculation on it, search the database for records with the ID # the user passed in as a query string, …

Member Avatar for developer707

Hello, After searching over the internet how to secure a web application(forms) in PHP, in most of the cases were just suggestions not a short and real example. In some cases is suggested to use strip_tags( trim( $_POST['PARAMETER'] ) ); but when you have some special inputs like comments field …

Member Avatar for developer707
Member Avatar for HelloJarvis

So I'm using an Ajax request and processing input of sentence(s) in my program that will be looked up using a thesaurus API. The processing works fine, but I am trying to get it so that it will strip bad input such as semicolons in order for the API to …

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Member Avatar for Troy III

# This is a simple HTML String Sanitizing tool. # ## It allows a highly rich,- but safe - html content input to be published on your pages. ## **The script code is very light and to some degree customizable.** * This function takes care of blacklisted tags, which are …

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The End.