6 Topics

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Member Avatar for asundar

Hey everyone, So, I need help understanding why I'm not able sort my code: here is my code (so far) for my selection sort. I have only written the iterative form of Selection Sort, but I know how to do it recursively as well (which is required for my homework). …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for npsgaming

I have put together some code for a homework assignment and I have almost got it working. There are a few key items that are missing or not fully functional and I am fresh out of ideas on how to attack it. The code is to take 9 digits/integers from …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for challarao

Hello, I wrote two programs which sort first names which are already sorted by their last names.One is with Selection sort and the other is with Quicksort! The question is , "is any one of them stable?." "If the names with same first names are still in sorted order by …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, I am tasked with writing selection sort in assembly. We are writing for the ARM processor. Currently, this is what I have: [CODE] sort2: 73 stmdb sp!, {v1-v5, lr} @ Copy registers to stack 74 ldrb r5, [a2] @ J = n 75 76 ldrb v2, [a1] 77 cmp …

Member Avatar for greenq

I am implementing Selection sort in doubly - linked list. I have to sort list by surnames by finding smallest element and inserting it into beginning of the list But there are some troubles when I run my program I have NIL exception in Sort Method in while loop. Help …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for smco9

This is suppose to be a simple selection sort but I think I'm missing something because my output isn't completed sorted right. [CODE]void SelectionSort(data list[], int length) { int index; int smallestIndex; int minIndex; data temp; for( index = 0; index < length; index++) { smallestIndex = index; for(minIndex = …

Member Avatar for vincent2085

The End.