Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by Dream2code SHA-1 of a given string??what does that indicate?state through an example please....!! SHA-1 Algorithm Programming Software Development by mhamy …; } while(two_halfs++ < 1); } return buf.toString(); } public static String SHA1(String text) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException { MessageDigest md; md = MessageDigest.getInstance… Re: SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by masijade It can still be done, but you can't use a hashing algorithm. The password will have to be encrypted (not hashed), using some other encrytion format and some sort of key will be needed. These sort of method is, normally, not as secure, though. If you need some sort of documentation, then google for the SHA-1 specs and see what [i]they[/i] say … Re: SHA-1 Algorithm Programming Software Development by JeffGrigg [url][/url] SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by rahulkashyap82 Hi, I am saving the password in the database using SHA-1 encyption. On forgetting the password i have to email the user his old password. But i am not able to decrypt the password saved in the database. Can anybody help me in creating a decryption code in java for the same. looking fwd for quick replies Thanks Rahul Re: SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by masijade Well, sorry to tell you this, but SHA-1 is a hash algorithm, it is not [i]meant[/i] to be decoded. SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by waqarafridi Can some body tell me how to take SHA-1 of a given string in C. I am using ubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.30. Re: best encryption algorithm? SHA-2,MD5? Programming Computer Science by charles nitro SHA and MD5 are different algorithms. SHA is considered more secure than MD5. And it doesn't matter if you are talking about the implementation of the algorithms that is distributed with PHP or any implementation. They produce the same result md5 in php produces the same result as md5 in any other language. Re: best encryption algorithm? SHA-2,MD5? Programming Computer Science by pritaeas SHA and MD5 are hashes, not encryption algorithms. Re: SHA-256 in .NET Programming Software Development by IIMarckus My problem is not with the concept -- I've done this sort of thing before in PHP -- but with the syntax. E.g., this is the effect I want: [code]// Pseudocode If (toupper($usernamein) != "JOHNDOE") { print "Username doesn't match" exit } If (computehash($passwordin) != $prehashedpass) { // where $prehashedpass is the … Byte Array SHA-1 Hash Programming Software Development by ashkash I need to perform a sha-1 hash on a byte array. The byte array needs to be hashed with all combinations of a minimum of 4 bytes to a maximum of all 9 bytes of the following bytes: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 So the following are some examples of the byte array that would need to be hashed using a sha-1 hash: 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 04 00 01 02 … Re: Simple sha-1 encryption using openMp Programming Software Development by n@nnouss@ …#include <iostream> #include "sha1.h" #include <string> using…void DisplayMessageDigest(unsigned *message_digest); int main() { SHA1 sha; unsigned message_digest[5]; sha.Reset(); sha… Why I can't access the web pages by IE (HTTPS with DES-CBC-SHA?) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by person Hi all, My problem is I can't access web pages by IE6.0.29 when server uses the DES-CBC-SHA or other(DES or DES3) cipher suits. But the firefox work well.:eek: (good fox). The server is worked with stunnel-4.15 and openssl-0.9.8b. I just enabled the DES-CBC-SHA cipher(I had already tried other cipher suits too). I found only RC4 cipher suits … Re: Why I can't access the web pages by IE (HTTPS with DES-CBC-SHA?) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by fws [quote=person;236505]Hi all, My problem is I can't access web pages by IE6.0.29 when server uses the DES-CBC-SHA or other(DES or DES3) cipher suits. But the firefox work well.:eek: (good fox). The server is worked with stunnel-4.15 and openssl-0.9.8b. I just enabled the DES-CBC-SHA cipher(I had already tried other cipher suits too). I found … Simple AES with SHA (as hash) encryption Programming Software Development by shea279 I'm looking for some sample code which would demonstrate AES encryption using SHA 256 as the hash. 1 or two .cpp or .h files would be appreciated, I prefer not to mess with huge libraries or folders of unnecessary headers. I looked on google and found a semi-functional AES example, but for the life of me I couldn't find a SHA 256 implementation… How to decrypt Password which is encrypted by SHA($Password) technique. Programming Web Development by ankit.pandey3 <?php require_once('upper.php'); require_once('database.php'); echo $error_msg=''; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $LoginId=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['LoginId'])); $Password1=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password1'])); $Password2=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['… Simple sha-1 encryption using openMp Programming Software Development by n@nnouss@ I have a project and a part of it is related to sha 1 encryption using openMP. Any help would be highly appreciated. best encryption algorithm? SHA-2,MD5? Programming Computer Science by silvercats What is the best encryption system now?un crackable of course. And why do many people use SHA-2 ,MD5? also what is the most pipular one too? Re: best encryption algorithm? SHA-2,MD5? Programming Computer Science by DoRight MD5 and SHA(2) are used because they are fast to use and somewhat secure. Most popular for what? Re: SHA-1 Algorithm Programming Software Development by JeffGrigg Generally, hashes are used to verify that the contents of a message has not been changed. There is no known way to "carefully" change the message so that the resulting hash of the message will remain unchanged. (This is [B]not[/B] a property of CRCs, which are used primarily for random error detection: It's easy to manipulate the last … Re: SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by masijade Normally, in this situation, you create a new password and send [i]that[/i] to the user (and, usually, you only allow that generated password to be used [i]once[/i] and force the user to set a new one upon using it). Re: SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by rahulkashyap82 [QUOTE=masijade;896596]Normally, in this situation, you create a new password and send [i]that[/i] to the user (and, usually, you only allow that generated password to be used [i]once[/i] and force the user to set a new one upon using it).[/QUOTE] Thanks but the client requirement is to email the user with their previous password only Re: SHA-1 Decyption Programming Software Development by rahulkashyap82 Thanks for your reply, can you provide me some documentation that can help me to convince the client Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by waqarafridi Here is the code that compute a sha1 of a file, but when i try to execute it …returns the whole string and I want only the sha1. sha1sum is linux utility. [code] #include <stdlib.h>… Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by Dream2code system function returns an integer so you cant catch its out put in a string.prototype as follows: [icode]int system(const char *string);[/icode] Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by mvmalderen > [ICODE]s = system("sha1sum -t a.txt");[/ICODE] [B]system()[/B] doesn't return the output of an executed command. It returns an integer value, which indicates whether it could execute the command successfully or not. Edit:: Dream2Code posted before me. Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by Dream2code [QUOTE=tux4life;932138]> [ICODE]s = system("sha1sum -t a.txt");[/ICODE] [B]system()[/B] doesn't return the output of an executed command. It returns an integer value, which indicates whether it could execute the command successfully or not.[/QUOTE] >>char *s; >>s = system("sha1sum -t a.txt"); i pointed … Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by Salem [url][/url] Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by waqarafridi OK, I have corrected this by a trick, The Code is given [code] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; int i=0; char *s; char ch; char a[41]; s = system("sha1sum -t a.txt > tmp.txt"); fp = fopen("tmp.txt", "r"); while(ch != ' ') {… Re: SHA-1 in C Programming Software Development by Dream2code [QUOTE=waqarafridi;932972]OK, I have corrected this by a trick, The Code is given [code] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; int i=0; char *s; char ch; char a[41]; s = system("sha1sum -t a.txt > tmp.txt"); fp = fopen("tmp.txt", "r");…