SSI and CGI : Capture a value? Programming Web Development by MattEvans … board, but I hear ColdFusion is quite SSI related, and it's the best place for…XSL transformed XML page) has an SSI #include or #exec, then an SSI #if statement that does "something… questions with relation to that.. If I nest SSI functions will they be called in child >…in the CGI and read them back in the SSI #if? I may have no need to … Re: SSI and CGI : Capture a value? Programming Web Development by MattEvans … was very simple actually. I didn't need to use SSI #ifs atall! The file gets parsed before the XSLT does… SSI include call Programming Web Development by chicago1985 I need to do an SSI include in my PHP web page located on a Unix web server, but cant seem to get it to work. [code] <!--#include virtual="http://anotherServer/thepage.asp" -->[/code] Please advise. SSI mid_include Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by 68thorby68 Hi All, Apologies should read SSI mod_include I now understand I need to install the include … Re: SSI mid_include Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by nonshatter … edit your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/xxxxx file to allow ssi functionality [url]… Re: SSI #include (JS) Digital Media UI / UX Design by bkendall normally SSI needs to be enabled on the server for it to work. I have had a lot more exp with IIS than I have with Apache when doing includes, but I would do a serach I am sure it is probably just an add on. Re: Ssi Or Php Programming Web Development by stymiee PHP Not only is it easier to use IMHO, but it offers so much more then SSI. So, if you may want to do more in the future, you're already using the right technology. Re: Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch … installed (and working). On the Apache 2.2 system, all SSI directives work in my .shtml files. On the Apache 2….4 system all SSI directives EXCEPT the conditionals (#If, #Else, #Endif, etc.) work (in… you got: Here is a terms you might know or… Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by chucklet …(and working). On the Apache 2.2 system, all SSI directives work in my .shtml files. On the Apache 2….4 system all SSI directives EXCEPT the conditionals (#If, #Else, #Endif, etc.) work… are (apparently) set up properly to enable SSI. So... why would all SSI directives EXCEPT conditionals work on one system? Problems with SSI in Mongoose 2.8 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by 744687 Hello, Im currently trying to use SSI in [URL=""]… set up: ssi_ext shtml is specified in the conf file. ssi.shtml [CODE] <html> <body> hello <…, Both files are in the same directory. Can anyone get SSI to work in mongoose? would be good to even hear… .html, .shtml and ssi needing some help please Digital Media UI / UX Design by TLCJohn … want the ending to be .html and not .shtml using .ssi. Is there a work a round to do this? More… will stay the same. So I thought why not use SSI for the menues along the top and down the side… web sites and the <!--#include file="/includes/navigation.ssi" --> works on .shtml but not on .html. On… How to include header.ssi file Digital Media UI / UX Design by sunny124 Hi, I know how to include header.shtml file using ssi command but don't know how to include header.ssi file. I tried using same command but it doesn't work. For my assignment we have to use header.ssi file Thanks Re: How to include header.ssi file Digital Media UI / UX Design by sunny124 I misspelt filename It works now with same command. I have new problem now. The content in header.ssi are not showing. Please help. Thanks Re: How to include header.ssi file Digital Media UI / UX Design by brainfo is that header.ssi related to html and css (confused) Re: SSI include call Programming Web Development by somedude3488 why do you need to use a server side include? php can read the file and echo the contents. SSI still doesn't work...why?? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jaguarr first I checked to see if mod_include.c is installed using ./apachectl -l and I see mod_include.c listed then I went to httpd.conf and added some lines. Now starting line 317, it reads: Directory /> Options +Includes AddHandler server-parsed .html AddType text/html html Options FollowSymLinks XBitHack on AllowOverride None /… SSI #include (JS) Digital Media UI / UX Design by pajac Well I wonted to try out some file(.shtml) with #include statment on my machine and It is not working.I'm asking u if I need a server (like Apache) to run this script and if server (Apache) needs some plug-in or add-on (or whatever) to serve this kind of scripts?? :confused: Re: SSI #include (JS) Digital Media UI / UX Design by pajac Cool, I'll look and get back with exp. Tnx! Ssi Or Php Programming Web Development by Sabres As a newbie to both these challenges, would there be any great advantage in choosing one or the other? At the moment I would just want to 'include' certain sections of my pages (menus, footers etc), but in the future who knows?? Are they just as easy/difficult to learn and code? Re: Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by chucklet LastMitch, thanks for replying, but I'm unclear on what "results" you are referring to. Do you mean the results in the "Your Computer Health Report" on that page? Re: Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch **@chucklet** >Do you mean the results in the "Your Computer Health Report" on that page? Just to see the browsers results. This issue you have is more technical you should have put this in the **Hardware & Software** section instead of here. Explain more about the issue? You might need to run a few codes. Re: Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by chucklet LastMitch... thanks for the suggestion to move this to Hardware & Software... it's not always easy to guess which forum is best. Re: Conditional SSI problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch **@chucklet** >LastMitch... thanks for the suggestion to move this to Hardware & Software... it's not always easy to guess which forum is best. Just open a new thread in the Hardware & Software section. I can't move a thread because I'm not moderator. Someone will help you there. Re: .html, .shtml and ssi needing some help please Digital Media UI / UX Design by SikoSoft Well, the fact of the matter is even if you did use an .htaccess file to tell the web server to treat .html as shtml, it will still cause a performance hit to all .html pages since it will need to pre-parse the files to look for special codes. I wouldn't recommend this because it will slow down any .html files that don't even have special coding. … Re: .html, .shtml and ssi needing some help please Digital Media UI / UX Design by almostbob part of a very much larger .htaccess file, .htaccess==goldmine[code=apache]AddHandler server-parsed .html Options +Includes <Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ! [NC] RewriteRule \.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png|wmv|asf)$ /… Re: .html, .shtml and ssi needing some help please Digital Media UI / UX Design by waqasali11657 Its a very nice topic, I love to read such topics Re: .html, .shtml and ssi needing some help please Digital Media UI / UX Design by TLCJohn Hi All including almostbob Thank you so much for your help, the code you have given me has worked and for that I would like to say once again "Thank You" and all the very best. John Re: How to include header.ssi file Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dandello Without seeing some code and an active page to look at, there's not a lot people can do to help. Re: How to include header.ssi file Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dandello All - the include file, the page it's going in, the resultant page from the browser, and the related css. Of course, if the include file is [B]only[/B] header information, then css doesn't apply as header info is only visible under 'view source' problem in javascript coding in asp page Programming Web Development by shantuli …script language="Javascript" src="unsaved:///ssi/matrimonials.js"></script> &…script language="Javascript" src="unsaved:///ssi/matrimonials.js"></script> &…" onClick="'/ssi/popup/moreprofile_tips.php?item=b','','width=450…