17 Topics

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Member Avatar for sabiut

hi, i am trying to read from a text file and store the data in an array but i don't know how to get started with my code. can someone please get me started here. i have start with the code for locating the file, but i am having difficulty …

Member Avatar for LordPike
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

I am using Mplab x Ide with v3.61 on Xc8 compiler, PIC18F24K40. I used MCC generated UART code for send and receive data. For understanding I am clubling my code and posting part of it. My main code look like this #include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" #define EUSART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 #define EUSART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 /** …

Member Avatar for itnavigate
Member Avatar for nandosss

i have a problem that i cant figure out how to solve it taht involves mips assembly. I need to ask the user for how many string they want to sort and then loop that many times and store all those strings in an array. I know how to ask …

Member Avatar for Nauman_4
Member Avatar for lethal.b

I am writing a program using J2ME and my goal is to count how many times each character appears in a string. I am not very good at java so the way i see i should do this is create 2 arrays. First array is used to hold characters. Second …

Member Avatar for lethal.b
Member Avatar for maryam ahmad

i'm working on visual studio 2008. I'm trying use fopen to open txt files and it does not give any errors but its not doing the required task either. i've to submit this project on monday! please help here's part of the code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for maryam ahmad
Member Avatar for JRDJ12

I'm wondering if someone can help me figure out my getAverageLength method in the following code: [CODE]package com.abc.text; public class StringProcessing { /** * Returns the number of non-null strings in the set. * If null or a zero-length array is passed in, then zero is returned. * If a …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cka91405

Im still learning C and I have a few questions about making a array of strings. Im doing an assignment for school, and I'm a little stuck with my program. Here is my code so far: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE* fin; int a; …

Member Avatar for teo236
Member Avatar for Kyle Willett

I need help with a programing assignment for my CS 2 class, the task is to check rather a user inputted string is a palindrome meaning it is the same forwards as it is backwards. I have most of the program working, I input a string then copy it and …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for scarlettmoon

Hi ~ Before posting my code, can someone tell me if it is possible to do a dual sort on an array of chars and an array of int, double or float? Would you have to use two separate sorts? Really confused here. I am trying to sort an array …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for melkai

Hello, Working on my final project for a Java Class and have become stumped on the final leg of the code. We are supposed to create a program to add a record, remove a record, display a record, and list all records. The records must be written to a file. …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for bribissell

I am making a page which pulls from the user's browser their preferred language, via the Request.UserLanguages....which returns a two letter code (ex. "en") or detailed code (ex. "en-GB"). I basically get the string of user languages (they are in order of preference) and store them in a string array. …

Member Avatar for bribissell
Member Avatar for king03

My program is having an error on the following lines w/ red font. It says invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript... pls help I'm not sure how to solve this. [COLOR="Green"]*********This is actually how my program works********* Read in a line of text and output the number of words in …

Member Avatar for Arbus
Member Avatar for CrumbledCookies

I don't fully understand what is wrong with my code, it will read the first lines of any text file but then overloads and keeps displaying "0.00" and then crashes the program. I'm trying to get it to read student's last names and read their GPA scores, and the sentinel …

Member Avatar for CrumbledCookies
Member Avatar for mars001

I was trying to input an array of strings using pointers but failed. Here is the code: [CODE=C]int i=0; char *p[6]; //array of strings for(i=0;i<5;i++) { gets(p[i]); // input string } for (i=0;p[i];i++){ printf(p[i]); // print string printf("\n"); }[/CODE] The problem is that each time the first for loop executes, …

Member Avatar for mars001
Member Avatar for get connected

Hiya, A short while ago, I posted the following code snippet in reply to someone who was looking to make a simple encoded password... See here for a full explanation of how this works -->[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1470261.html#post1470261"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1470261.html#post1470261[/URL]. While this method is a little cumbersome, it does work and can be encoded and …

Member Avatar for get connected
Member Avatar for biogig

so I've been trying to write this program that takes the data from a file and outputs the year the rainfall how much it is below/above the average, the average raifall and the std deviation and for some reason I get three C4552 warnings:'>': operator has no effect on three …

Member Avatar for biogig
Member Avatar for xxxferraxxx

Hi, I need to make "Keygen" that gen text not randomly with two text boxes, i need to use it for "username and "password" gen that i puted to gen. Please help with the code :)

Member Avatar for xxxferraxxx

The End.