Access between classes to retrieve elements of a StringArray Programming Software Development by Son of a gun … try to basically access an element from the StringArray in a seperate class from the UI it advises…15 to 17s","116" };// The StringArray can be used with the UI class sortedList model =… jfrm.setVisible(true); } }[/CODE] And finally my StringArray class code (I have not added the code for the… Re: Access between classes to retrieve elements of a StringArray Programming Software Development by Son of a gun … code that then goes onto access the elements of the StringArray I am getting lost with. [CODE]// instance version - how to… Container class problem Programming Software Development by icelantic stringArray::operator == (const stringArray &right); bool stringArray::operator!=(const stringArray &right) const; stringArray stringArray::operator +=(const stringArray &right); friend stringArray operator+(const stringArray& left, const stringArray Re: Container class problem Programming Software Development by mrnutty stringArray& left, const stringArray& left);` 1) Does not need to be a friend. 2) Need to implement the assignment operator. stringArray::stringArray…(const stringArray& source) { count = source.count; for(int i = 0… Re: Container class problem Programming Software Development by icelantic … #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include "stringArray.h" using namespace std; using namespace csci2270_assignmentTwo; int main…( ) { stringArray names; cout << "Number of strings in names … Re: Container class problem Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … short string class to do that for you, and make stringArray a storage for for a number of string objects. I… Pascal - student search program Programming Software Development by shreka … := (High-Low) div 2 + Low; if StringArray[Mid] = StudentID then begin Result := Mid; Goto… Break end else if StringArray[Mid] > StudentID then High := Mid else… Malloc memory scope & memory leaking Programming Software Development by ShortYute stringArray[j]); } free(stringArray); } /* Allocate room for numOfArrays */ stringArray = malloc(numOfArrays * sizeof *stringArray); /* If allocation succeeded */ if (stringArray…i < numOfArrays; i++) { /* Allocate */ stringArray[i] = malloc( (sizeOfEachArray) + 1); }… How to rewrite this code Programming Software Development by SCMAN2010 … 80 void sort(char **a, int n); char *stringArray[N]; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { …(" "); fgets(stringArray[i],MAX_STRLEN,stdin); *strchr(stringArray[i],'\n') = '\0'; } sort(stringArray,N); printf("\nSorted:\n… (i = 0; i < N; i++) { puts(stringArray[i]); free(stringArray[i]); } return 0; } /* selection sort */ void sort… Errors in My Template Program Programming Software Development by sciprog1 …:\n"; intArray.outputArray(); Array< string, 7 > stringArray; // create stringArray // initialize stringArray with user input values cout << "\nEnter… " << stringArray.getSize() << " one-word string values:\n"… converting words to phonetic spelling Programming Software Development by _dragonwolf_ …;); if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { stringArray.toString(); System.out.println("Alpha"); …} if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { stringArray.toString(); System.out.println("Bravo"); }… Re: Ambiguous Overloads For Literals & Deleting duplicates in vectors Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … do it. If you have a constructor like this: class StringArray { // ... StringArray(const char* str); }; Then, that constructor is considered a… allow only explicit conversions using that constructor, as in: class StringArray { //... explicit StringArray(const char* str); }; With that, things like the … array stack infix and postfix Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …end of file { element =; stringArray[ count ] = element; //stores the … expression = " + stringArray[i] ); String postFixExpression = infixToPostfix(stringArray[i]); System.out.println("… array stack infix and postfix Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …end of file { element =; stringArray[ count ] = element; //stores the … expression = " + stringArray[i] ); String postFixExpression = infixToPostfix(stringArray[i]); System.out.println("… Re: converting words to phonetic spelling Programming Software Development by javaAddict This is totally unnecessary: [CODE] [B][COLOR="Red"]stringArray.toString();[/COLOR][/B] System.out.println("Alpha"); [/CODE] … switch: [CODE] for(int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { char ch = stringArray[i]; switch (ch) { case 'a': case 'A': System… Re: array stack infix and postfix Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …end of file { element =; stringArray[ count ] = element; //stores the element… expression = " + stringArray[i] ); String postFixExpression = infixToPostfix(stringArray[i]); System.out.println("… displaying an image from input file Programming Software Development by johnlop1 … String[0]); String testOne = stringArray[0]; String testTwo = stringArray[2]; String testThree = stringArray[4]; String testFour = stringArray[6]; String testFive = stringArray[8]; //System.out.println… Re: How to rewrite this code Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [icode]char stringArray[N][MAX_STRLEN];[/icode] Re: How to rewrite this code Programming Software Development by SCMAN2010 [QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;1179485][icode]char stringArray[N][MAX_STRLEN];[/icode][/QUOTE] Thank u for your reply the program now crashes Re: converting words to phonetic spelling Programming Software Development by javaAddict … to write entire code with if statements: [CODE] char ch = stringArray[i]; int index = // convert ch into an int and normalize… Derivatives Programming Software Development by pateldeep454 … the beginning of the main method, called "stringArray" with a length of 26 to hold the…of input from "altitude.txt" with this syntax: stringArray[i] = b.readLine( ); and then, in another loop… syntax like the following: doubleArray[i] = Double.parseDouble(stringArray[i]); Then, in another loop, plot the altitude data… Google map api shows nothing on screen Programming Web Development by accra … var x; for (x = 0; x < stringArray.length; x = x + 1) { var addressDetails … []; var marker; //Separate each field addressDetails = stringArray[x].split("&&&"); //Load the… How to fetch gps values form mysql into Google Map Programming Web Development by accra … var x; for (x = 0; x < stringArray.length; x = x + 1) { var addressDetails … []; var marker; //Separate each field addressDetails = stringArray[x].split("&&&"); //Load the… update google map marker every 2 second form mysql using ajax Programming Web Development by decongh …encodedString; var stringArray = []; encodedString = document.getElementById("encodedString").value; stringArray = encodedString.split… addressDetails = []; var marker; addressDetails = stringArray[x].split("&&&"); var… Java String Array Programming Software Development by Dietrich_1 …; your code goes here > b) Again using the class StringArray write method printAllNums,using the method signature below. For every…, String[] b) < your code goes here > public class StringArray { public static int numInArray(String[] a, String s) { int count… char pointer to char Programming Software Development by EvilOrange … trying to get a string[5] into a 2d array stringarray[10][1] [INDENT][CODE] char string[5]; char… stringarray[10][1]; void workfunction(); int main(){ workfunction(); for(i=0…;i<10;i++){ printf("%s", stringarray[i][0]); } } workfunction(){ for(j=0;j<10;J… JList Programming Software Development by gedas … method that i need to work with [CODE] public StringArray displayNames() { StringArray name= new StringArray(); name.add("tom"); name.add("… Hangman help Programming Software Development by stuidabest …FileOpen(filenum, filename, OpenMode.Input) Do Until EOF(filenum) stringarray(IntNoWords) = LineInput(filenum) ' IntNoWords += 1 Loop FileClose…of the testing) Randomize() ' chooses random word SelectedWord = stringarray(Int(Rnd() * IntNoWords) - 1) 'TextBox1.Text = … Looping through directories Return Type Programming Software Development by triumphost …Extension == FileExtension) { FilesFound.push_back(FilePath); //Add file to StringArray. } } } Until(FindNextFile(hFile, &FileInformation) != TRUE…main() { vector<string> X; //StringArray X; Changed to vector so others can compile it… Ambiguous Overloads For Literals & Deleting duplicates in vectors Programming Software Development by triumphost …*'s, I get Ambiguous overloads: StringArray& operator -= (const std::string& S); StringArray& operator -= (const StringArray& SA); I have no…