Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by codeorder …ListViewItem(lineArray(0)) '// add text Item. With newItem.SubItems .Add(lineArray(1)) '// add SubItem 1. .Add… Next End If End Sub '//------ add Items/SubItems to ListView (testing purposes only) ------------------------------------------\\ Private Sub… displaying the subitems from the listview in the textboxes Programming Software Development by jontennyeah I have a listview in form1 containing the subitems, Plate number, Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB Case_Number and Color. I transfer … textbox1. My problems is this, How i display the other subitems (Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB Case_Number and Color) in the listview and… Re: displaying the subitems from the listview in the textboxes Programming Software Development by Gé48 ….ItemSelectionChanged TextBox1.Text = e.Item.Text TextBox2.Text = e.Item.SubItems(1).Text TextBox3.Text = e.Item… Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception ….StreamWriter(fStream) For i = 0 To LI.SubItems.Count - 1 sWriter.WriteLine(LI.SubItems(i).Text) Next sWriter.Close() fStream.Close() Catch… Re: counting the listview item by subitems Programming Software Development by Begginnerdev ….Text = .Text 'This will be the first column txtAge.Text = .SubItems(0).Text 'This will be the second column txtPosition.Text… I am looking to get help with ListView SubItems Programming Software Development by ReeciePoo … was curious to know if you can add Links to subitems like the e.g below [U]| Column #1 | Column #2… Multi-colored subitems in ListView? Programming Software Development by Thew …, I need to know, if I can draw multi-colored subitems in ListView. Since I've been trying to do this… need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by kberrianjr I am trying to save a listview item and 5 subitems to a txt file, I have tried one solution that was posted on here but i could not manipulate the code for all of my sub items can someone please help me out. Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by codeorder Check out this thread. [URL=""]Save/Load Listview Items + Subitems[/URL] Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by kberrianjr [QUOTE=codeorder;1386790]Check out this thread. [URL=""]Save/Load Listview Items + Subitems[/URL][/QUOTE] That is the one that I tried to manipulate to do 5 subposts but I could not figure it out. Can you show me the code to do 5 subposts? How can i copy the subitems of the checked items? (connect to other thread) Programming Software Development by IDC_Sharp I already make the thread as "solved" but i actually have 1 more question, about this thread: [url][/url] How can i copy the subitems of the checked items? Re: How can i copy the subitems of the checked items? (connect to other thread) Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca …++) { if (listView1.Items[i].Checked) { list.Add(listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); } } //clearing listView2 listView2.Items.Clear(); //populating listView2 from… Saving ListView Items and SubItems Programming Software Development by NetJunkie … I am having some trouble getting the items and the subitems to save to the list. If anyone could shoot me… Re: Saving ListView Items and SubItems Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception … = ListView1.Items.Add("Item" & CStr(i)) ListViewItem.SubItems.Add(CStr(i)) Next End Sub Private Sub ButtonSaveThreeItems_Click(ByVal… counting the listview item by subitems Programming Software Development by jontennyeah i have a listview with subitems namely NAME Age and Position. The positions are Driver, Conductor … Re: Save/Load Listview Items + Subitems Programming Software Development by codeorder …myWriter.WriteLine(myItem.Text & "#" & myItem.SubItems(1).Text) '// write Item and SubItem. Next myWriter.Close() End… newItem As New ListViewItem(lineArray(0)) '// add text Item. newItem.SubItems.Add(lineArray(1)) '// add SubItem. ListView1.Items.Add(newItem) '//… Re: comparing subitems between 2 listviews, plz help Programming Software Development by yorro If I understand correctly, yes you can compare subitems just like comparing textboxes. [CODE=vb]ListView1.Items(0).SubItems(3).Text = ListView2.Items(0).SubItems(3).Text[/CODE] Re: comparing subitems between 2 listviews, plz help Programming Software Development by Korenai [QUOTE=yorro;1455487]If I understand correctly, yes you can compare subitems just like comparing textboxes. [CODE=vb]ListView1.Items(0).SubItems(3).Text = ListView2.Items(0).SubItems(3).Text[/CODE][/QUOTE] thanks, ill try it. thanks again.. Re: diplaying the subitems in the textbox Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …) Then txtName.Text = ListView2.Items(key).SubItems(1).Text txtAge.Text = ListView2.Items(key).SubItems(2).Text End If End Sub An…", "George", "42"}) item.Name = item.SubItems(0).Text ListView2.Items.Add(item) Re: ListView SubItems Programming Software Development by Oxiegen …;TITLE: " & item.Title) item.SubItems.Add("DESCRIPTION: " + item.Description) item.SubItems.Add("LINK: " + item.Link) ListView1… Re: diplaying the subitems in the textbox Programming Software Development by Begginnerdev Try something like this: For Each lviItem As ListViewItem In ListView1.Items If lviItem.Text = ComboBox1.Text Then TextBox1.Text = lviItem.SubItems(0).Text TextBox2.Text = lviItem.SubItems(1).Text End If Next Re: diplaying the subitems in the textbox Programming Software Development by jontennyeah ….Text = ComboBox1.Text Then TextBox1.Text = lviItem.SubItems(0).Text TextBox2.Text = lviItem.SubItems(1).Text End If wher i put this… Re: Birthday Reminder for all Matching Listview Subitems Programming Software Development by pandeter ….Count For i = 0 To Loopz subz = ListView1.Items(0).SubItems(3).Text If DateValue(subz) = Today() Then MsgBox(ListView1.Items…(0).Text & " " & ListView1.Items(0).SubItems(1).Text & "; ", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) End If Next Re: Birthday Reminder for all Matching Listview Subitems Programming Software Development by pandeter … For i = 0 To loopz Dim edate = ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(3).Text Dim format() = {"dd/MM/yyyy", "….Items(0).Text & " " & ListView1.Items(0).SubItems(1).Text & ", " & " msg " &… Re: Birthday Reminder for all Matching Listview Subitems Programming Software Development by tinstaafl …; For i = 0 To loopz Dim edate = ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(3).Text Dim expenddt As Date Date.TryParseExact(edate, format….Items(i).Text & " " & ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text & ", " & " msg " &… Re: Save/Load Listview Items + Subitems Programming Software Development by codeorder Hope this helps anyone else searching for a similar solution. [URL=""]Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it?[/URL] Re: Birthday Reminder for all Matching Listview Subitems Programming Software Development by pandeter … Z = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count If ListView1.Items(Z).SubItems(3).Text = Today() Then MsgBox("Hi") End If… Re: Multi-colored subitems in ListView? Programming Software Development by pritaeas You would probably have to implement the OnDrawItem to draw it in an unusual way. Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by GeekByChoiCe please show us your code and where exactly you stick. Re: need to save and load a listview item and 5 subitems how do i do it? Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception [QUOTE=;][/QUOTE] It can't be the one you tried. I wrote it a little while ago. Tell exactly what you want and what you mean by subposts and I'll send you the code.