Re: Tokenizer Programming Software Development by vijayan121 > tokenize a string, yet allow it to leave the whitespaces as … the kept delimiters (an an empty string for dropped delimiters). Tokenize with a tokenizer using this as the tokenizer function. For… Re: getline in while loop Programming Software Development by mitrmkar >> ... tokenize my string, which is read from a file, but my … Re: The Fastest way to read a .txt File Programming Software Development by stilllearning Tokenize means breaking up your data into tokens based on delimiters. … Re: Parsing strings Programming Software Development by f_atencia Tokenize is a XSLT2.0 feature. Is there any recursive template I can use in XSLT V1.0? Re: how can i write for this that print out Programming Software Development by zeroliken tokenize the sentence by using space as a delimiter, save each letter in an array then print out the result in reverse Tokenize Programming Software Development by torbecire … having a problem with tokenizing "wddw". I can tokenize if they is a sign like (,). How can I… tokenize this without getting an error. I have tried charAt(0), … Tokenize Programming Software Development by letlet_pogs hello guyz,,who knows how to tokenize???i mean,,i am about to start to make "String Calculator" but i don't know how to tokenize,,,do you know any sites that could explain best about tokens??thank you ahead,,,, tokenize an input text file.. Programming Software Development by minamoda … 1999[/QUOTE] i wrote a program and the part for tokenize is: [code] line= BbmReader.getFileReader("input.txt").readLine… Re: tokenize an input text file.. Programming Software Development by minamoda "BbmReader" is a class in a library which we use in our school i have to use it and i think there isnt any problem with it but my program doesnt tokenize all the text file. only the first line. And by the way, I HAVE TO use tokenizer because our teacher wants it. Thank you so much for the help but still it doesnt do what i want. :( tokenize text input Programming Software Development by doomfrawen … tab with 2 RTB , my problem is how do I tokenize or read the input line by line, i guess that… Tokenize text from input file Programming Software Development by HoboConductor … for reading a text file, and I've tried to tokenize the words, however I have come into many syntax errors… Is there a way to tokenize an array of strings Programming Software Development by Halcyon … timer here so bear with me. I'm trying to tokenize an array of strings. This program reads an array of… correct) if there is nothing else to tokenize(two name string), dont tokenize it tokenize the rest of the elements(3 name string… Parse or Tokenize String Programming Software Development by Akilah712 …lt;string> sets; //get the sets - name+sequence Tokenize (contents, sets, ">"); //stores the splitted … (int x = 0; x < sets.size(); x++){ Tokenize (sets[x], dna, "\n"); } //store the …dna[j]); j = j + 2; } }//End processFile void Tokenize(const string& str,vector<string>& tokens… Re: how to tokenize a long string by using another string Programming Software Development by rpjanaka public void tokenize(){ StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("{ok,[{operators,'sri','mob',45,… how to pass array of strings to a function? Programming Software Development by johndoe444 … you can see the token holder array passed to tokenize can be of different dimension so I am trying …to define the tokenize function so that second argument has a array dimension … ‘char (*)[100]’ to ‘char (*)[]’ for argument ‘2’ to ‘int tokenize(char*, char (*)[], const char*)’[/CODE] I thought the first one… pyinstaller 2.1 generated executable not running correctly Programming Software Development by sbaw ….pyc # C:\Python27\lib\tokenize.pyc matches C:\Python27\lib\ import tokenize # precompiled from C:\Python27\lib\tokenize.pyc # C:\Python27\lib… # cleanup[2] # cleanup[2] os.path # cleanup[2] tokenize # cleanup[2] PyInstaller.hooks # cleanup[2] xml.dom.NodeFilter # cleanup… Unresolved External Symbol Error Programming Software Development by delphi_uk …lt; inputString << endl << endl; Tokenize( inputString, token ); copy( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(),…cout, ", ")); return 0; } void Tokenize( const string& str, vector<string>&…const string& delimiters = "|") { // Tokenize taken from [URL][/URL] // … Write problem for redirection and pipe Programming Software Development by alwaz on9 … into the array command = strtok(NULL,"|"); // tokenize the command line by | i++; // Increment i }…argument = strtok(NULL," \t\n"); // tokenize the command into arguments } printf("%s %s %s… HELP SOS !!! #C++ #Object #String #Function Programming Software Development by Yara Emad …; using namespace std; ifstream infile; ofstream outfile; void tokenize (); void statistic (); int main()//the main function is… to call func tokenize first then the func statistis { tokenize (); statistic (); return 0; } void tokenize()//the tokenize function is gonna … Re: Unresolved External Symbol Error Programming Software Development by John A …lt;< inputString << endl << endl; Tokenize( inputString, token ); // add an 's' to 'token'[/…code] [code=cplusplus]void Tokenize( const string& str, vector<string>&… const string& delimiters = "|") { // Tokenize taken from [url][/url] // Skip … Re: Unresolved External Symbol Error Programming Software Development by delphi_uk …the sample code. [quote=joeprogrammer;330022] [code=cplusplus] Tokenize( inputString, token ); // add an 's' to …correct. [quote=joeprogrammer;330022] [code=cplusplus]void Tokenize( const string& str, vector<string…const string& delimiters = "|") { // Tokenize taken from [url][/url] // … Re: Unresolved External Symbol Error Programming Software Development by John A … reason for the linker errors is this: [code=cplusplus]void Tokenize(const string& str, vector<string>& tokens… Re: using stringstream for tokenizing a string Programming Software Development by alone2005 …a Tokenizer class from Codeproject, which can tokenize string separated by different chars like space, …space. //This is the default predicate for the Tokenize() function. class CIsSpace : public unary_function<…lt;string> oResult; CTokenizer<CIsFromString>::Tokenize(oResult, path, CIsFromString(":")); for(int… ERROR: Segmentation Fault Programming Software Development by Excal1502 …string names[size]; char out_file_name[16]; ofstream out_stream; void Tokenize(const string& str, vector<string>&…<<"Enter a name: "; getline(cin,str); Tokenize(str, tokens, " "); names[index] = tokens[index + …;names[index]<<"\n"; } void Tokenize(const string& str, vector<string>&… Java Simple calc Programming Software Development by nnobakht …already been given and i was supposed to tokenize the input, have a function convert to …end of conversion) public Tokens() /******************************** *Start of tokenize class. Once called it will use the Parse function… *to tokenize the given String (ie. user input)*/ { … Python 'Nontype' object has no attribute keys Programming Software Development by csguy11 … = open(base_path+file, 'r') lines = # Tokenize the file into words tokens = self.tokenize(lines) docnumber = docnumber + 1 print 'docnumber', docnumber… where we are supposed to crawl through multiple text file, tokenize the files and store the words in an inverted list… Wondering if this code is ok Programming Software Development by atramposch …adequately satisfy this question? Write a function named tokenize() that will receive the following parameters: a char… * to the string to tokenize, and a char * [] that will receive …string provided. The variable names you choose matter. [CODE]int tokenize (char * array, char * results[]) { int count; while… Read/Tokenizing/Conveting text files Programming Software Development by jshoot …file to a variable(ignoring comments in the file) 3 - Tokenize the data e transform the variable into another variable(like…and write in the screen the values, but I wanna tokenize/split this values, and transform then into float(once they… the #S 1 to another value pre-determined, and tokenize the value in the down line... Can you help me… Tokenizer Programming Software Development by gregarion Hey guys, i been trying to tokenize a string using the boost library. [CODE]int main(){ using … i am facing currently is that i am unable to tokenize a string, yet allow it to leave the whitespaces as… whitespaces with a character , but how am i able to tokenize the string. For example , i subtituted all the white spaces… c++ Programming Software Development by Akshay nand …program as an example. This program includes a routine tokenize to split up a command line into an array … rest of the array). Add the main routine, the tokenize, and interpret functions to your shell.c program. The …some helpful hints: To implement $var variables, change the tokenize function to check for strings that start with a '$'. When…