traverse function doubly linked list Programming Software Development by wsn hello everyone, I'm writing a function traverse for a doubly liked list, I can …int position) const The post condition of member function traverse is the action specified by function *visit has been… position 0 and doing each in turn [code] void List::traverse(void (*visit)(List_entry &)) { set_position(0); while(current!=NULL)… traverse sorting Programming Software Development by gedas …insert(string word, string meaning); List* lookUP(string word); void traverse(); private: struct{ string word; List*meaningList; }dictionary[Max_TABLESZ];…{ return dictionary[i].meaningList; } else { return NULL; } } void traverse(); { } [/code] well what i really need help on is the… Re: traverse function doubly linked list Programming Software Development by Narue … would say that this makes more sense: [code] void List::traverse(void (*visit)(List_entry &)) { int save = current_position; set_position ( 0 ); while… Re: traverse sorting Programming Software Development by power_computer … lists. [code] node *temp = start_ptr; //create a temp ptr to traverse your list while(temp != NULL) { if(whatever condition you need… Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Learner010 i want to traverse a checkedlistbox using for each loop for example :- if i … for each loop but really don't know how to traverse checkedlistbox using for each loop. for each "here i… Traverse a file row by row using awk Programming Software Development by Member24 … started working using awk. I am facing a problem to traverse a file row by row. I have a file test… The problem with recursive traverse of JTree component Programming Software Development by LianaN ….SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(hierarchy[0]); root = traverse( hierarchy, hierarchyChildOf, 0 ); treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel)tree1.…setRoot(root); ... } [/CODE] [CODE] public static DefaultMutableTreeNode traverse( Object hierarchy[], Object hierarchyChildOf[], int k ) { for(int… Re: The problem with recursive traverse of JTree component Programming Software Development by jon.kiparsky …[i]); DefaultMutableTreeNode child = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(hierarchy[i]); node.add(child); traverse(hierarchy, hierarchyChildOf, i); } } return (node); }[/CODE] I don't …the node you just added to the next call to traverse(), so it'll add the next nodes as children … Re: The problem with recursive traverse of JTree component Programming Software Development by LianaN …quot;); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } traverse(hierarchy, hierarchyChildOf, i); } } } [/CODE] [CODE] public…(DefaultTreeModel)tree1.getModel(); treeModel.setRoot(root); traverse( hierarchy, hierarchyChildOf, 0 ); ... } … Re: The problem with recursive traverse of JTree component Programming Software Development by LianaN … find my comments on the code: [CODE]public static void traverse( Object hierarchy[], Object hierarchyChildOf[], int k ) { for(int i = …] + " cannot be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } traverse(hierarchy, hierarchyChildOf, i); } } }[/CODE] Any ideas how to implement it… Re: The problem with recursive traverse of JTree component Programming Software Development by jon.kiparsky … commentary on your code. Start with the formal parameters to traverse - what is each of these for? How to traverse an array?? What am I doing wrong? Programming Software Development by magnolia … the infection rate. It has a little note to //"traverse the entire array (2 loops), compare result > //10"…;. I am very confused on what traverse means. //Here is what I have and it's not… Text file traverse problem Programming Software Development by Cafetero … the string... if (lineFromFile[i] == '@') { // front and back traverse s = i; while (true) { s--; if (s < 0…email[nEmails++] = anEmail; break; } } // end front and back traverse } // while fin.close(); [/code] Re: Need to traverse and update a XML file Programming Software Development by Renoldton … of thousands of Invoice in them.So how do i traverse each record? Getting into more detail say this Invoice that… fetched in the Pro*C code and i need to Traverse the XML file w.r.t the invoice_no which being… Need to traverse and update a XML file Programming Software Development by Renoldton Hi, I have a XML file generated externally,i need to traverse through that file and then make certain changes to the XML file or add new attributes to that file.How can i go about it?This eventually will be a Pro*C code.Kindly help me out.Thanks. Re: Need to traverse and update a XML file Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … way to do it. >>So how do i traverse each record? Getting [code] std::string line ifstream in("… How to traverse two vectors of multimaps Programming Software Development by shelton22 …>> pairgtm; And I wrote the following code to traverse the values of multimaps to print the key; for(itgtm… Re: traverse function doubly linked list Programming Software Development by wsn Thanx Narue, it makes more sense now it's an implementation problem the mess was caused from the current pointer i fixed the code thank you Re: traverse sorting Programming Software Development by gedas anybody!!! hasn't anyone read this post? any help would be greatly appreciated Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by tinstaafl If you just want to know if an item exists you can use the Contains method of the Items collection,`CheckedListBox1.Items.Contains("MyItem")`. This produces a boolean true or false. Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Learner010 but if i just want to know at which location item is found Then ? Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Eternal Newbie Here's a code of mine, almost solving the same problem as yours: If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then Ftxt = TextBox1.Text For i As Integer = 0 To Me.CheckedListBox1.Items.Count - 1 If CheckedListBox1.Items(i).ToString.Trim = Ftxt.Trim Then … Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Learner010 thanx for the code but still i need to do this using `for each loop` not `for next`(it will provide the opportunities to learn something new, as i am beginner to VB.NET) Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Eternal Newbie Happy to see someone's learning new things in VB.Net. I changed the code so you can understand it better: For Each ci As String In CheckedListBox1.Items If ci.Trim Like Ftxt.Trim Then MsgBox(ci) End If Next Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by Learner010 thanx , its really working and helped one more thing i want to consult here is that "`does Like is same as = in conditions ?`" Re: Traverse Checklistbox Programming Software Development by GeekPlease It does almost the same thing except that Like can be use to compare string with wildcards. For example, 1234 = 123 ' The answer here is false while 1234 Like 123* ' The answer here is true Re: Traverse a file row by row using awk Programming Software Development by JeoSaurus Hi Member24! It looks like you're running into this feature of awk output redirection: [quote] print items > output-file This type of redirection prints the items into the output file output-file. The file name output-file can be any expression. Its value is changed to a string and then used as a file name (see section Expressions). When this … Re: Traverse a file row by row using awk Programming Software Development by Member24 Hi Gromit. Thanks for the response. I will try this. Actually i am using the output file action.txt as an input to microstrategy command manager. This is the command. system("mstrcmdmgr -n '"$PROJECT_NAME'" -u '"USER_NAME"' -p '"$PASSWORD"' -f action.txt -o '"LOG_FILE'""). How do i use close() here?… Re: Traverse a file row by row using awk Programming Software Development by Member24 close() is working fine. But i am facing problem in creating the file with date action_`date +%Y-%m-%d` and redirecting $2 to the file within the awk. Also how do i see the exit status of previous executed command? Re: Traverse a file row by row using awk Programming Software Development by Member24 I could resolve the both file creation with date and finding exit status of previous executed command in awk. I am stuck with msending mail with 'mutt' command. I want to change the sender's address. Please note, i habe to use mutt with in awk. Please suggest me.