Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by vegaseat ttk is included with Python27 on Debian Linux. What is your exact traceback error message? Re: TKInter and Python 3.2 Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …that tkinter.Optionmenu: [CODE]import ttk import Tkinter as tkinter root = tkinter.Tk() style = ttk.Style() style.theme_settings("default&…;OliveDrab1"), ("!disabled", "OliveDrab2")] } } }) combo = ttk.Combobox(values=['apple', 'banana', 'orange']).pack() root.mainloop() [/CODE] Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … frame_style.theme_use('normal') File "/usr/lib/python3.4/tkinter/", line 523, in theme_use"…;ttk::setTheme", themename) _tkinter.TclError: can't find package ttk::theme::normal ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … incomplete because I'm having two problems: 1. The individual ttk widget styles are refusing to apply (only the global widget… age. Any help appreciated. from tkinter import Tk from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Button, Style from random import randrange from… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … it looks like there isn't a "normal" ttk theme in your version of python3-tk. To find out… this in the python3 interpreter: >>>from tkinter.ttk import Style >>>s = Style() >>>… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … how does it look with standard tk widgets instead of ttk ones? Just replace: from tkinter import Tk... from tkinter….ttk import Frame... with: from tkinter import Tk, Frame ... Putting everything … Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … with a single frame from tkinter import Tk from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Button, Style from random import randrange from… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … system: from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Label, IntVar from tkinter.ttk import Button from functools import partial from random import randrange… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … latest: from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Label, IntVar from tkinter.ttk import Button from functools import partial from random import randrange… Re: ttk Progressbar Programming Software Development by woooee …this forum [code]# explore the ttk.Progressbar of the Tkinter module ttk # ttk is included with Python 3.1.…1 import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk def click(event): # can be a float …step(increment) root = tk.Tk() root.title('ttk.Progressbar') pbar = ttk.Progressbar(root, length=300) pbar.pack(padx=5,… Re: ttk Progressbar Programming Software Development by sun_2588 Thanks a lot i understand this code, u used canvas in making progress bar, i am looking for ttk module progress bar...if you have some example of it.... thx a lot for this code... Re: ttk Progressbar Programming Software Development by Ismatus3 You are welcome Sun , I just remembered that i saved this code when i was reading about Python :) , if i'll face a ttk progress bar i tell you , you are welcome again , good luck . Re: ttk Progressbar Programming Software Development by sun_2588 Thanks a lot,,,,.. will wait for your reply.. :-) I am also trying to do it using ttk, if i able to do it correctly, will post here.... Thx.. Re: ttk Progressbar Programming Software Development by sun_2588 … import MySQLdb as mdb from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox import ttk as t import time import thread import Queue import threading… Re: Changing style for ttk widgets (button and entry) Programming Software Development by bumsfeld …code]''' Python31 includes the Tkinter Tile extension Ttk. Ttk comes with 17 widgets, 11 of which …Treeview ''' import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk root = tk.Tk() img1 = tk.PhotoImage…OGG J4744oZzXUEDHQxwN7F5G7QRdXxPoPkAnHfu+eeghw665n1vIKhJBQUEADs=""") style = ttk.Style() style.element_create("RoundedFrame", &… Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Niloofar24 This is a simple example: from Tkinter import ttk window = Ttk() button = ttk.Button(window, text='hi') button.pack() window.mainloop() Ande the …error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> from Tkinter… Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Gribouillis In python 2 in kubuntu, I can import it directly import ttk In python 3 it is from tkinter import ttk `` should be in the folder lib-tk in your python2 library. Try to run locate ttk in a terminal to see where it is. Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Lardmeister Simply cover both Python2 and Python3: try: # Python2 import Tkinter as tk import ttk except ImportError: # Python3 import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk window = tk.Tk() button = ttk.Button(window, text='hi') button.pack() window.mainloop() Re: How to get selected items in ttk treeview?? Programming Software Development by vegaseat … ImportError: # Python3 import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk class DirectoryBrowser(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master, …tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self) ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.tree.yview)… Changing style for ttk widgets (button and entry) Programming Software Development by G_S … me how to change basic style options for buttons using ttk. I'd like my buttons and entry fields to have… rounded corners. I know this is possible but documentation on ttk (for python) seems to be inexistent on the Web. I… haven't been able to find a tutorial on ttk widget styles. Thank you Help with ttk progress bar? Programming Software Development by satnav_8 …! Here is my code: import urllib2 import Tkinter import ttk url = '…f.close() root = Tk() root.title('Downloading... ' + file_name) progressbar = ttk.Progressbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, length=500, mode='determinate', variable=file_size_dl, maximum… Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Niloofar24 Hi everybody. How can i install ttk module on linux? When i try to import and use it on my Tkinter window, the error says sth like there is no module named ttk. So it means i should install it right?! I'm using python 2. I want to use ttk to make buttons more nicely. Re: Help with ttk progress bar? Programming Software Development by satnav_8 … my new code: import urllib2 from Tkinter import * import ttk url = '…f.write(buffer) root = Tk() root.title('Downloading... ' + file_name) progressbar = ttk.Progressbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, length=1000, mode='determinate', value=file_size_dl, variable… Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Lardmeister There is no such thing as `window = Ttk()` or `window = ttk.Tk()` Re: Help with ttk progress bar? Programming Software Development by TrustyTony This makes even less sense you are erasing the function file_size_dl with integer variable defined inside that function. That function is given as value and variable parameter to Progressbar?????? Maybe you better check: Re: Problem with installing ttk module Programming Software Development by Gribouillis In python 2, use import ttk why don't you read the answers ? is there a ttk port of tkinter.simpledialog ? Programming Software Development by timrichardson … simpledialog module, but it's not using the themed widgets (ttk). I think it's a good exercise for me as… How to get selected items in ttk treeview?? Programming Software Development by Andrae … the message is from a sql querry placed inside a ttk treeview widget. so how do i select and send the… Re: [python3-tk/ttk] testers and reviewers needed Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 Until I figure out what's going on I'm going to stop distributing the executable. Meanwhile, a helpful person rewrote the script, creating a bunch of classes that subclass all the widgets to their parent tk/ttk classes. I'm waiting for them to tell me how they want to be credited before sharing the script. how to read dictionary names from a text file and display in a text widget Programming Software Development by mcroni … width = 450) frame1 = ttk.Frame(notebook) frame2 = ttk.Frame(notebook) frame3 = ttk.Frame(notebook) notebook.add(frame1…variable = ticked_annex) #facebook Entry label = ttk.Label(frame1, text="Facebook :",foreground…= 300, y= 10) ############################################## ss3 = ttk.Label(frame3, text="ROOM :",foreground…