Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 … I don't add that button I could create some usability issues because users with small screens (like the one I… dilemma: forget about the next button and leave that little usability issue unresolved or use a jquery plug in, solve the… usability issue but not being able to prove that I have … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Airshow … I don't add that button I could create some usability issues because users with small screens (like the one I… dilemma: forget about the next button and leave that little usability issue unresolved or use a jquery plug in, solve the… usability issue but not being able to prove that I have … Tutorials for Web Site Usability Digital Media UI / UX Design by Webnauts … BROKEN LINKS OR LINKS WITH MISLEADING INFORMATION![/b] - Professional Website Usability: [url][/url] - Jesset… for optimal web design (designing for usability): [url][/url] - Conducting Usability Research With Computer Users Who Are… Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … all know, Google is going to start factoring in mobile usability into their algorithm later this month. Over the past few…, Google Webmaster Tools started showing an increasing number of mobile usability issues (first 124 earlier this week, and now 268 pages… Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Usability Survey Programming Computer Science by rbkline … VisualAge, or Microsoft Visual Studio. Of special interest is the usability of IDEs as described by software development professionals. The URL… My MSc research - Usability research for password management for online websites Digital Media UI / UX Design by Crocodile3 Hi all I am conducting a usability research for my MSc dissertation. If you could spare a … usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi peeps, I wonder if anybody can give me a hand with this. Basically on my website [url][/url] to view a picture you need to use the left hand-side menu. Now, all good except that when you want to view any picture at the bottom of the left hadn-side nav you need to scroll all … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Airshow Hi Violet, There's no point driving yourself nuts writing something like this. Slideshows is one area that is seriously well supported with jQuery plugins, most of which would do the job far better than you or I could ever achieve in a reasonable timescale. I just googled "jquery slideshow plugin" and found these review pages (I'… Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by floatingDivs Hi Violet82, This should be what you're looking for. [CODE] // load images var mainPictures = ["images/gloom_full_1.jpg", "images/gloom_full_2.jpg", ... "images/gloom_full_27.jpg" ]; var thumbPictures = ["images/gloom_thumb_1.jpg", ... "images/gloom_thumb_27.jpg"]; var thumbShadedPictures … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi floatingDivs, thanks for that, I had a look earlier on and yes the code works (this afternoon I had the impression that it wasn't working on my small laptop - sometimes it is a bit temperamental which is probably why). I had a good look at your code and I didn't know that I could use variables outside the function, I thought that everything … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by floatingDivs An array starts at 0, not 1. So, you need to calculate from 0 to whatever the last element in your array is (you actually don' below to find out how to save yourself time). Even though the image is [B]gloom_full_27.jpg[/B], the array index is 26. Remember, [B]gloom_full_1.jpg[/B] is located at element 0, not element 1. So, what the … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Hi floatingDivs, thanks for the explanation, yes it makes sense, I should have thought about the out of bound problem. I replaced the if statement with the suggested one although it still doesn't work, when I get to the end of the pictures it skips the first picture (it's like the picture is missing, there is just the black background) and when I … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Airshow Violet, For the record, I struggled to keep it down to my predicted 20 lines, but eventually managed to squeeze everything into 19, including both Next and [COLOR="Green"]Prev[/COLOR] buttons. For readability, I would normally choose not to squeeze quite this far. [CODE=javaScript] $(function(){ var current = -1; var $thumbs = … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by floatingDivs Appears to work for me now. [CODE] function nextPicture() { currentImage = currentImage + 1; if(currentImage < mainPictures.length) { $("#pic_1").fadeOut(2000, function() { $(this).attr("src",mainPictures[currentImage]).fadeIn(2000); }); } else { currentImage = 0; $("#pic_1&… Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 HifloatingDivs, thanks for that but I had to remove the alert box in some browsers (chrome, safari, opera) comes up everytime I click on the next button. If I remove it it is ok although the first picture doesn't fade in smoothly, but it is fine, thanks for all your help @Airshow Wow Airshow, that is amazing, thanks for posting that. It is a … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Airshow Violet, [QUOTE=Violet_82;1617072]@Airshow Wow Airshow, that is amazing, thanks for posting that. It is a little bit too advanced for me but I definitely want to give it a try to understand it first and then try it on the site. I spent sometime studying it, googling (actually w3c schooling) but many things are still unclear. Would you mind if I … Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Airshow I'm off to the kitchen now. Cantaloupe melon has been ripening for 5 days, out of the fridge, and I judge it's about ready. [B]Airshow[/B] Re: usability issue to fix with javascript/jquery Programming Web Development by Violet_82 Thanks for your patience Airshow, that's great. I managed to get hold od a copy of the jquery book as well as the javascript pocket reference, it's pretty good. I will try your code on my test site. Hope you enjoyed your melon : -) @floatingDivs, thanks for your help too much appreciated! Re: Tutorials for Web Site Usability Digital Media UI / UX Design by DaveSW Webnauts! Fancy seeing you here! Just when I thought I had this place to myself... :D Re: Tutorials for Web Site Usability Digital Media UI / UX Design by Webnauts [QUOTE=DaveSW]Webnauts! Fancy seeing you here! Just when I thought I had this place to myself... :D[/QUOTE] Oh, sorry for that Dave. I still can go if you want. LOL Re: Tutorials for Web Site Usability Digital Media UI / UX Design by DaveSW LOL as if Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rtrethewey It sounds like a data glitch in WMT, which is not a terribly unusual occurance. Check the 'Last Detected' dates shown for the individual errors and I bet they're reports from crawls done months ago. It seems to me that Google hasn't quite gotten a crawl schedule worked out for Googlebot Mobile that increases the crawl rate for pages that show … Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani > Check the 'Last Detected' dates shown for the individual errors and I bet they're reports from crawls done months ago. No, the dates indicate within the past week. Meanwhile, we've been mobile friendly for well over a year. No changes to our responsive CSS anytime recently. Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by danielmav Even We have got the same message from Google webmaster related to mobile friendly of our website. Our website is mobile friendly too. I guess this is the general message Google has sent to each webmaster. Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rtrethewey I'm still leaning toward a data glitch. I'd be more confident if I was seeing other similar reports online, but I can't think of any other reasonable explanation. Google always massages and filters search data before funneling it into WMT, and the process is often problematic. The only thing you can do to try to help the process would be to use … Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rtrethewey One last thing: there's an acid test available. Do an inurl: search for any of these pages using a smartphone or an emulator and look for Google's "Mobile Friendly" label. You don't even really need a smartphone. If you use Chrome, you can use the emulator in the F12 Developer's Tools. Works a charm for this purpose. Just type the … Re: Mixed signals about mobile usability Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani Strangely, the number of pages with mobile issues dropped down to only 7 as of today. Almost as creepily as first appeared. Re: best practices Digital Media UI / UX Design by MattEvans Usability standards or technical standards? For technical standards at the client … applications are the way forward at the server. As for usability standards.. avoid dependance on plugins, avoid really over-the-top… Help Needed with GUI Programming Software Development by neo_gr8est1 …and there is enough credit, the transaction is made. Usability usability of the application is vital. We can divide the… usability issue into two aspects. First, you should make … you want. # You should write a GUI with good usability which is intuitive to anyone using your application. # You …