Can't get WinJS.UI.DatePicker "current" value Programming Web Development by dawbin I cant find any decent examples of implementing the WinJS.UI.DatePicker control. Specifically I am not able to retrieve …; <div id="date" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.DatePicker"></div> <div id… Re: Can't get WinJS.UI.DatePicker "current" value Programming Web Development by hericles Is current undefined or is eventInfo? Where are you creating the datepicker object? E.g. where is this line: `var datePicker = new WinJS.UI.DatePicker(element, options);` I only looked into this briefly just now so what I'm asking is, is line 8 and 9 in your code the same as the object instantiation above? Convert WinJS Listview Data to JSON for upload? Programming Mobile Development by dawbin I need to get user manipulated data out of my WinJS listview and convert it to JSON, but I can't figure how to access the data? Any help would be appreciated! Re: Can't get WinJS.UI.DatePicker "current" value Programming Web Development by dawbin I figured it out, was working from a bad sample code... function birthChanged(eventInfo) { //save roaming data var birth = document.getElementById("birth"); var datePicker = birth.winControl; var appData = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current var roamingSettings = appData.…