word frequency C++ HELP Programming Software Development by rutherfordln … string word; int count; }; class wordFrequency { public: //wordFrequency(); int countFile(int counter); void openFile(ifstream… wordsM[]; //struct wordFreq[]; }; int main() { wordFrequency word; //Declare variables int length; int counter; length… Re: help with programming Programming Software Development by Lerner … to the screen you can keep a third array, wordFrequency to hold the frequency with which each uniqueWord occurs. …the first and last element with the same frequency withing wordFrequency. Then do a bubble sort on just that range…as before. Repeat for each new value of frequency within wordFrequency. When all sorted, print to screen by index each… Re: help me fix my program(strtok,strcmp,array) Programming Software Development by near … wordCount && !isMatched) if (strcmp (pToken, words[count])==0) { ++wordFrequency[count]; isMatched = 1; } else ++count; if (!isMatched) { strcpy( words[wordCount… Re: help me fix my program(strtok,strcmp,array) Programming Software Development by near …int isMatched; char words[300][20]; int wordFrequency [300]; int count; printf ("***********************************************************************************\n…; if (!isMatched) { strcpy( words[wordCount] , pToken); wordFrequency[wordCount]= 1; ++wordCount; } tokenCount ++; printf ("[%2d… Re: word frequency C++ HELP Programming Software Development by Clinton Portis Here is how you can compare an element, against every other element.. while we are at it, we'll erase any matching words in order to get a good word count: [code] string temp; //This array will contain single occurances of words from wordsM[ ] string unique_words[length]; //This array will serve as a counter, and will directly …