5 Topics

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Hi all, I have just started using Zoho for a client of mine and so far I really like the way it handles CRM content. I now need to implement a CRM API to grab a single form field from a PHPList entry form and get it into the CRM. …

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I read a blog post this morning on the Mini-Microsoft blog called [URL="http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2009/07/microsoft-has-turned-corner.html"]Microsoft Has Turned the Corner[/URL] and it got me wondering if they really have, or if it was merely wishful thinking on the part of the author. Then I saw that Microsoft had released [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/"]Office 2010 videos[/URL] and …

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[URL="http://blogs.forrester.com/information_management/2009/05/microsoft-office-still-owns-the-desktop.html"]Sherri McLeish from Forrester[/URL] reports that 80 percent of enterprise customers still use Microsoft Office. While this is down significantly from the 95 percent reported in this [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_27/b3991412.htm"]2006 BusinessWeek article[/URL], it still makes me wonder why so many companies would continue to use Microsoft Office given the current economy and …

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Tomorrow marks the start of the much-anticipated [URL="http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/"]Apple World Wide Developers Conference[/URL]. Rumors of all sorts are flying ahead of the conference, but in the midst of all the hype and hoopla is actually some real news as [URL="http://zoho.com/"]Zoho[/URL] and [URL="http://www.transmediacorp.com/"]Transmedia[/URL] Glide have announced brand spankin’ new versions of their …

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[URL="http://www.zoho.com"]Zoho[/URL], makers of an online office suite and business tools, aimed mostly at small to medium sized businesses, made its best effort to make a big splash last week when it announced it was introducing an enterprise version of the Zoho CRM product. Unfortunately, Zoho’s announcement was timed in the …

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The End.