i am hearing you there JW. Irate customers are one thousand a penny!

Eating a large amount of beans and then do one or more of the following:
Take a bubble bath.
Get my teeth checked at the dentist.
Go to an IRS audit.
Go to jury duty.

commented: LOL +3
commented: Hehe +2

24 hours of adderall & programming ... welcome to the geeks lounge

I'd say 24 season one. The others were a bit too much for one man to handle in one day. But season one was good. Perfect day.

What yould you do with the extra 8 hours? Oh right, sleep...

8? a day is 24

Yes, but 24 eps of 24 are going to take 16 hours; They each last about 40 minutes, see.

Misleading! Its not really 24 hours - fibbers!


There a re so many pretty girls knocking at my door all the time, I would like 24 hours without them.

We can switch lives for twenty four hours then. Im ready when you are.

Peace on earth for 24 hours. Very unlikely though!

Yeah that would be great Ene Uran, wishful thinking...

>> Peace on earth for 24 hours. Very unlikely though!
Practising for Ms. World there, Ene?

Peace on earth for 24 hours. Very unlikely though!

There is too much money made with war, think about the economic impact this dreadful idea would have!

24 hours of nothing but peace!
How rare are those days..

There a re so many pretty girls knocking at my door all the time, I would like 24 hours without them.

sadly all of them are Jehovah's witnesses :)

sadly all of them are Jehovah's witnesses :)

I think you are right! Oops, there is a knock at the door, got to go!

commented: LOL +4
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