First lets establish the definition of the word respect: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. Its come to my attention that some members of this board do NOT regard the feelings of others as any importance at all when considering a reply. This is contradictory to the point of a forum, a forums purpose is to create an environment conducive to that of being positive. Disrespect for others knowledge, however vast or limited, is in no way helpful to that end.

I fully understand some users frustrations with lazy students who would like the community to do their homework assignments for them, however, even in this situation one can still be polite and helpful to that lazy user. All that is needed is a deep breath of patience and a simple reply of “ please do not post homework assignments for others to do for you :) thank you.”

Another problem area I have noticed is when someone posts a simple question you may see a response something similar to this “ just google it”, this again is in no way shape or form helpful for anyone involved, and also defeats the purpose of a forum. As mentioned previously the purpose is to create a helpful environment that everyone will enjoy participating in. One other response may go like this, “you should just crawl into a hole and die you moron.” I fail to see how this is helpful. If someone has an honest question and you have the answer, please try to remember the following two words: HELPFUL, and RESPECTFUL. There is a difference between disrespect and constructive criticism, one in some way is actually helpful to the questioner the other is not. There is absolutely nothing gained by being sarcastic in the answer to a question. To sum it all up, if you have nothing nice to say, then dont say it at all.

Thank you,

Recommended Answers

All 8 Replies


Quit being patronising, we are not children.

Its come to my attention that some members of this board do NOT regard the feelings of others as any importance at all when considering a reply

Boo hoo, looking at your posts there has been some reason why people would be annoyed. You asked for them to do an assignment. Need i say more? that is annoying.

I fully understand some users frustrations with lazy students who would like the community to do their homework assignments for them, however, even in this situation one can still be polite and helpful to that lazy user

You haven't been round here long. After a while (if you stayed to help) you would find that you get sick of people asking "Can haz homework plz?". You can tell when it is getting toward the end of the term because you get more of those threads. People just get sick of them, so if that person will not use any of their time trying, im not going to try either. Simple.

nother problem area I have noticed is when someone posts a simple question you may see a response something similar to this “ just google it”

This is good, when used in moderation. Sometimes people ask things like "How do i download python" etc. its simple, google it. People again are being lazy, so why should we put in extra work for someone who
A) is most likely not going to come back
B) Has not tried themselves

One other response may go like this, “you should just crawl into a hole and die you moron.”

I have been here for two years and never seen something like this. Sounds like hyperbole. If you do see posts like this, report them, again simple.

So really what i am saying is that for every thing that you have pointed out there is a very real reason why people on daniweb do them, and it is probably not going to change.


commented: All good points +0

Quit being patronising, we are not children.

I wasnt trying to be.

Boo hoo, looking at your posts there has been some reason why people would be annoyed. You asked for them to do an assignment. Need i say more? that is annoying.

yes, an apology. Because you see, this

#include <stdio.h>

#define Pi 3.14159
void ColorOfPaintFunc(void);

int main ( void ) {
    double Radius, 
float CostOfPaint,
int PaintSqFt,
	char ColorType;
	printf("Please follow the onscreen instructions and when you are done answering a question press enter.\n");
	printf("Please type the height in meters :\n\n");
	scanf("%lf", &height);
	printf("Now, please enter the diameter in meters :\n\n");
	printf("Please select the color of paint by either typing a lowercase w for white or a lowercase b for black :\n\n");

	system ("cls");
	// Decision to determine the color of paint
	if ( ColorType == 'w')
		PaintSqFt = 250;
		CostPerGallon = 29.75; 
	else {
		PaintSqFt = 275;
		CostPerGallon = 32.05;
	heightFeet= height *3.281;
	diameterFeet= diameter * 3.281;
	Radius = diameterFeet / 2;
	TotSqFt = (2*(2*Pi*Radius*heightFeet)+(2*(Pi*(Radius*Radius))));
	NumberOfGallons = TotSqFt / PaintSqFt;
	remainder = NumberOfGallons-(int)NumberOfGallons;
	// Decision to determine whether to round up or not
	if ( remainder > 0)
		IntNumOfGallons = NumberOfGallons+1;
		IntNumOfGallons = (int)NumberOfGallons;
	CostOfPaint = IntNumOfGallons * CostPerGallon;
	SalesTax = CostOfPaint * .0825;
	TotalCost = CostOfPaint + SalesTax;
	printf("\n%54s\n","Bid for cylindrical structure");
	printf("%52s\n","From Camdaddy Contractors");
	printf("%54s\n\n\n","by Cameron Belt, Salesperson");
	printf("%27s%1.0lf%36s%2d\n\n", "Height of structure :", height,
		   "Gallons of paint needed : ", IntNumOfGallons);
	printf("%27s%1.0lf%36s%4.2lf\n\n","Diameter of structure :", diameter,
		   "Total surface area in feet : ", TotSqFt);
	printf("%27s","Color preference :");
	// Decision to print "White" or "Black" on the screen
	printf("%33s%3.2f\n", "Total cost of paint : $ ", CostOfPaint);
	printf("%66s%4.2f\n","Sales tax : $ ", SalesTax);
	printf("%30s%4.2f%37s\n","Cost per gallon : $ ", CostPerGallon,"+______");
	printf("%66s%4.2f\n\n\n\n\n\n","Total Cost : $ ", TotalCost);
	printf("%62s","Thanks for choosing Camdaddy Contractors!!\n\n");
    return 0;
void	ColorOfPaintFunc(void)
{ double PaintSqFt;
	if (PaintSqFt > 250)
		printf(" %2s", "Black");
		printf(" %2s", "White");

is the code to the assignment you are referring too.
those are the only things i saw that needed correcting.

yes, an apology

hahaha unlikely.

Just have a look at your own posts a little bit, you'll get it eventually. If not, i don't really mind. I'm just saying, daniweb is not going to change. again, simple.

Its come to my attention that some members of this board do NOT regard the feelings of others as any importance at all when considering a reply.

One doesn't garner respect simply by having a pulse. Respect is earned through proving that one is worthy of respect.

This is contradictory to the point of a forum, a forums purpose is to create an environment conducive to that of being positive.

I think you misunderstand the point of a forum. If the forum is meant for answering technical questions then the purpose is education. Education doesn't always mean giving the requested answer. It often means showing people how to find answers for themselves (ie. "google is your friend") such that running to others for help is no longer needed. Sometimes it means scolding people into more acceptable behavior.

All that is needed is a deep breath of patience and a simple reply of “ please do not post homework assignments for others to do for you :) thank you.”

In my experience that's not enough of a shock to alter behavior. The same person will do the same thing unless you make it clear that such behavior is unacceptable, in a way that hurts as much as possible. Pain is an excellent teacher. Warm and squishy slaps on the hand are not.

Another problem area I have noticed is when someone posts a simple question you may see a response something similar to this “ just google it”, this again is in no way shape or form helpful for anyone involved, and also defeats the purpose of a forum.

I disagree. I'm sure you've heard the adage about the man and the fish. Many of the people who answer questions on forums don't ask them. Why? Because we know how to find answers most of the time without asking other people. "Just google it", "RTFM", "STFW", these are lessons on how to find answers for yourself. When appropriate, they're probably the most helpful answers on the forum.

If someone has an honest question and you have the answer, please try to remember the following two words: HELPFUL, and RESPECTFUL.

I think you'll find that people are typically treated in exactly the manner that they deserve around here. If you were disrespected, you probably deserved it. Learn from the experience and work toward changing your behavior.

thanks that made sense.

First lets establish the definition of the word respect:

Sure, as it pertains to the site:

Read the Site Rules
Email addresses must not be posted
Snippets of Code (sorry) are not help requests
Posts should not be just an assignment description
Excess code needs to be removed for brevity and understanding
Code Tags are necessary
Tell us what's wrong in detail, don't make us guess

I fully understand some users frustrations with lazy students who would like the community to do their homework assignments for them, however, even in this situation one can still be polite and helpful to that lazy user. All that is needed is a deep breath of patience and a simple reply of “ please do not post homework assignments for others to do for you :) thank you.”

Tried that once. I passed out from hyperventilation, since 3 out of 5 posts I saw were "gimme codz plz" requests. And we get hundreds of posts a day.

One other response may go like this, “you should just crawl into a hole and die you moron.” I fail to see how this is helpful.

I have been here for two years and never seen something like this. Sounds like hyperbole. If you do see posts like this, report them, again simple.

Then you haven't been active in some forums. There are a couple people that are a-hole enough to say this -- and they do it often.

commented: Dang WaltP you are just too mulitfaceted :) +0
commented: Your breakdown of respect = genius! +0


Don't be so offended, I don't know you, I've only seen one post from you on the forum and it was asking for other people to solve an assignment for you. Regardless of your motives, the reason for my assumption is pretty obvious. My assumption was apparently incorrect, and you've cleared it up. Leave it at that.


I am glad we brought this all out in the open!
I like WaltP's RESPECT rules.

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