danpad 0 Newbie Poster


My name is Danny Padilla I Live in Oregon. Moved here from Southern California in '02.

I personally home school my oldest son in first grade with the aid of a video based school

have found it challenging and fun. We have four, a six, three, one and a half, and a one

month old. I work for my wife in make-up manufacturing. Am hoping to learn web design

so she pays me more. Would like to build our website though it is more realistic to have a

professional do it. Nonetheless I'd like to be able to understand it and edit it as needed.

Found this site while looking for help with an embedding video problem if anyone reading

this intro knows about that,I have posted under web development/web design/graphics

and multimedia. Have a Jack Russell, and a toad I brought back form our last visit to the

San Bernardino Deserts. Love 4X4ing and rafting.

That’s That,
