bberlin 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone,

My name is Bettina. I accidently stumbled into your forum when I was searching for some troubleshooting answers and I'm so glad I found you! Seems like this is the perfect place for people trying to find their feet in internet marketing.

But here's a bit more about myself:

I'm 29 years old, originally from Germany but now staying in South Africa. I met my husband here when I came over for a year of voluntary work, and then I emigrated. We have a lovely little daughter who is turning 3 next month.

I first studied occupational therapy in Germany and then went for my bachelor's degree in Netherland, but it was very difficult and expensive to get accepted as an OT in South Africa. Since I anyways preferred looking after my daughter myself, I then turned to internet marketing instead.

I'm still trying to find my feet in this completely new field for me, and I hope this forum will help me to gradually make sense out of everything. Currently, I'm building my first sales website which I will sell camping tents, party tents and play tents for kids on. It's my first project (besides an Adsense blog that didn't work out because I was doing a lot of things wrong as I know now).

When I'm not at my computer, I love reading (especially fantasy books and history fiction stories), and some years ago I also developed a passion for writing myself. I just finished my first book which I wrote together with my sister for our mother. I also love all kind of art and craft stuff, the more tricky the better. Woodwork is also great, I just designed and built my own bedroom and office furniture last year. I used to sing in our church choir, but with my daughter that has become difficult so I had to leave it for now.

I think it's time to stop now, otherwise you will think I'm writing another book here (Sorry, one of my great weeknesses: I love talking and can barely ever say something short...).

I'm really looking forward to become part of your community! Speak to you again,