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I'm a CS student and am trying to construct a sort of mathematical/algorithmic club/society. I already have a few willing students/TAs/Professors but sadly almost all students don't understand the importance of math to computer scientists. So we are trying to spread awareness first through a few presentations and seminars. Besides recursive problems (towers of hanoi, summations, factorials, fibonnaci's sequence, etc....) what other examples/problems we should discuss to convince them?

P.S. I'm still a mathematical/programming novice (first year university) so I'd really appreciate if you provided the solutions or hints to them along with your posts.

Oh and I posted this in the c++ section because it's the only lang. I know. And it's the one that I need the examples written in.

just put books like "numerical recipes in C++" on the required reading list.
Now that's not the best book for the quality of the code or for readability, but it's thick so must be important :)

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