eat his droppings.

dani's open mouth

commented: In his short history here, this fellow has been crude, rude, and seemingly intentionally troublesome. -2
commented: you have no right to say this to dani she has worked hard for this site unlike you sorry have to disapprove no hard feelings i hope -1

, but were blocked

by Theo Ratliff.

Smiling at this,

he slipped and

remembered a commercial

with a large

moose, which was

eating and smoking weed.

eating and smoking weed.

Four words buddy.

Blood was spilt

Four words buddy.

Blood was spilt

(Dang!!! How s2pid of me to not notice this. Sorry bout that...)

of others remain

little monkeys assault

<(of others remain "in the" little monkeys assualt)>
were reasonably still

out of date

I slept well.

I woke up
<(what is this about entering 10 characters?)>

my goat died

very very very

upset, so I

had to beat

of Elton John

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