AntoniaRosedale 0 Newbie Poster

Hi there, our in-house web-based data vault has a built in search engine. If you hover over a search result's title it will display the first two lines of the document. In this way the user can sort of tell if it's what they're looking for. I am working on making those lines a concise summary and formatting them the same color as the background of the document so they are not visible when the user actually clicks on the search result to open and read it.

The problem I'm having is that a ? is being displayed for any additional characters that haven't been used in the allocated amount that the search result will display as the "summary". So my summary lines are coming up something like this:

This document describes the effect of pollution on marine animals ???????

But I haven't typed anything after the word "animals" and I've checked to remove any subconscious additional spacing. Any suggestions how I can get rid of the pesky ? without having to make sure I use up absolutely all of the summary characters?