Following this text book, i need to take this card dealing program and turn it into dealing 5 cards, and identifying pairs(and various other hands). The 5 cards was easy, now im just experimenting on how to identify pairs when i came into the error: missing ; before const. The /* comments are from the book. my comments for your reference are #

/* Fig. 7.24: fig07_24.c
   Card shuffling dealing program */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* prototypes */
void shuffle( int wDeck[][ 13 ] );
void deal( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], const char *wFace[], 
           const char *wSuit[] );

int main()
   /* initialize suit array */
   const char *suit[ 4 ] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" };
   /* initialize face array */
   const char *face[ 13 ] = 
      { "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", 
        "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
        "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };

   /* initialize deck array */
   int deck[ 4 ][ 13 ] = { 0 };

   srand( time( 0 ) ); /* seed random-number generator */

   shuffle( deck );
   deal( deck, face, suit );

   return 0; /* indicates successful termination */

} /* end main */

/* shuffle cards in deck */
void shuffle( int wDeck[][ 13 ] )
   int row;    /* row number */
   int column; /* column number */
   int card;   /* counter */

   /* for each of the 52 cards, choose slot of deck randomly */
   for ( card = 1; card <= 52; card++ ) {

      /* choose new random location until unoccupied slot found */
      do {
         row = rand() % 4;
         column = rand() % 13;
      } while( wDeck[ row ][ column ] != 0 ); /* end do...while */

      /* place card number in chosen slot of deck */
      wDeck[ row ][ column ] = card;
   } /* end for */

} /* end function shuffle */

/* deal cards in deck */
void deal( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], const char *wFace[],
           const char *wSuit[] )
   int card;   /* card counter */
   int row;    /* row counter */
   int column; /* column counter */
   int crd[5]; //added this array to store the values of the hand

   /* deal each of the 52 cards */
   #The 5 here was 52, deals just 5 cards now.
   for ( card = 1; card <= 5; card++ ) {

      /* loop through rows of wDeck */
      for ( row = 0; row <= 3; row++ ) {

         /* loop through columns of wDeck for current row */
         for ( column = 0; column <= 12; column++ ) {

            /* if slot contains current card, display card */
            if ( wDeck[ row ][ column ] == card ) {
               printf( "%5s of %-8s%c", wFace[ column ], wSuit[ row ],
                  card % 2 == 0 ? '\n' : '\t' );
               const char *crd[card] = { wFace[column]}; 
#And here's where it pinpoints the error. I'm basically hoping for crd[0] to equal the first card. crd[1] to equal the 2nd. etc.
            } /* end if */

         } /* end for */

      } /* end for */

   } /* end for */

} /* end function deal */

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Why is line 80 inside that if block? What good does it do? Line 80 declares an array of pointers which immediately goes out of scope and is destroyed.

Because I started learning C just last weekend and I wouldnt spot something like that. Was basically wantig it to assign the card it displays to an array, along with the other 4 so I could then call the array for each card.

Found the issue. Visual studio doesnt like variables to be declared halfway through a function. it needs to be at the top. The code doesnt work, but the error is gone :)

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