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Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

With a ComboBox there are multiple properties and events that interact. SelectedIndexChanged() DropDownStyle AutoCompleteMode AutoCOmpleteSource Now I have a static collection of Objects, that contain String Values as their names. I add those names in alphabetical order (and by way of the list creation numerical indicies as well) to the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Is there a generic (built in either to windows or VB.Net) Find and Replace dialog, like the simplistic one that's in Notepad, or do I have to design and write the Form from scratch? Thanks Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

In the standard ListView this is a SortOrder property and Sort() Method, but there is no OnSort event than I can see, so how can i cause a Sort by a subitem column instead of by the ListViewItem.Text property? Do I have to do it manually from scratch, or is …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, Now I have made some changes from one version of my source to a new one, and suddenly the program hangs in the middle of it. I've gone over the source with a fine tooth comb and there should be no reason that at the access of a specific …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Well, I'm not sure how other people do it, but eh, for some reason VB makes my task excessively difficult, because it is so inter-dependent and integrated. Now, HTMLDocument, is a Document interface for...go Html Document. However, I can't use it. I can only get to it via a …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, I'm doing a bunch of DOM processing, which means I need to have HtmlDocument's created from a web address. However, the only way i know how to load an HtmlDocument is with a WebBrowser component, which i create in the background, add a DocumentCompleted() handler. When the object is …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, I have a standard ListView, in details view, with CheckBoxes visible. However, I want a different functionality to occur when I DoubleClick an Item and when I Check the CheckBox. HOwever, whenever I double click an item the checkbox is checked. Right now I'm basically double assigned the "Checked" …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

I can link in an ActiveX/COM reference into a project, but unlike VBA where the referenced COM library automatically adds the control as a valid "component" to be placed on the form, I can't seem to find out how to do that with VB.Net. HOw do i take a "activeX …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Is there a way to determine if the mouse is hovering over a link in the WebBrowser component? Thanks Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, How do I make MainFormKeyDown absolute GOD over everything else? I have a tabpage control, and I want CTRL+Tab to ALWAYS switch tabs. But several tabs have a Multiline edit controls that "WantTabs". I added into the EditKeyDown a handler for "Shift+Tab" to make it go back from a …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, Given a runtime created DataGridView, I am trying to handle some of the clipboard /copy/paste functionality. Now, i've lookedup and found the function GetClipboardContent() as a member of the DataGridView, but there are some questions: I gather that it returns a DataObject that I can put on the clipboard …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

I was wondering how difficult it would be to make a menu item share the same line as a menucombobox. I would like an "Item" that is a check-able menu item, and when it is checked, a combobox to the right of the item allows you to select the choice. …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Is there a way with the VB interface to either: GetTextMetrics (ie: take Label, and I want to get the Width of the text that would be outputted by that control.) Determine if the Text is "larger" than the control. Basically, I have a form, with multiple "display" labels, that …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

First off, I use SharpDevelop for my work, and it has a weird glitch that it claims it's trying to load a non-existent file. This error is actually indicative of trying to access (dereference) a nothing object. However, I don't quite understand why it is having this error. I …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Okay, I've read the documentation about Class INitializers, but they don't work for me. [code] Public class FGBGColors 'Inconsequential class end Class Public Class ColorTableClass Private m_HdrClrs = New FGBGColors With { _ ' <- End of Statement Expected .ForeColor = Color.Black, _ .BackColor = Color.Gray, _ } end class …

Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

There once was a time when VB did not put on airs, thinking itself to be a little language it was great. And then they tried to make it into more than it should be and everything got fouled up. 1. How do i make an untyped array on the …

Member Avatar for waynespangler