Parker_3 0 Newbie Poster

Hi guys so ive been taking a python 3 class this semester and im having some trouble. so here is the problem.
Create a python script that stores 20 random integers from 1 to 100 into a file delimited (ie. seperated) by commas (,).

For example; if you cat the file when you are done, it should look similar to the following:

cat numbers.txt

Create a script that read in the text file from PRx0D.
It should take the data and put each integer into a list.
Eg: [61,8,46,71,9,95,77,62,69,6,97,97,77,96,95,20,89,31,3,23]
It should then display the following information from the list:


I have the program that generates 20 random numbers from 1-100 but i have no idea how to grab the text file and have it read in that way.
I have been trying for a few days now but i just dont get it. I am more of a web designer not a very good programmer. thank you if anyone can help!
what i have complete so far is below.

   import random 

def Rand(start, end, num): 
    res = [] 

for i in range(num): 
    res.append(random.randint(start, end)) 

return res 

num = 20
start = 0
end = 100
print(Rand(start, end, num))