function projection($x1, $x2, $x3){
//$x1 = first year
//$x2 = second year
//$x3 = last year

        if (($x1 != "") ||($x1 != 0) &&  ($x2 != "") ||($x2 != 0) && ($x3 != "") ||($x3 != 0)){
            $b = ($x3-$x2)/($x2 - $x1);
            $a = ($x3 - $x2) / ($b-1);
            $c = $x2 - $a;
            //prediction output
            $d = $c + $a*($b*$b);
        $j = 2009 - 2007;
        //LINEAR GROWTH  if second year is empty
        if (($x1 != "") ||($x1 != 0) &&  ($x2 == "") && ($x3 != "") ||($x3 != 0)){
            $b = ($x3 - $x1)/( $j);
            $d = $x3 + $b($x3 - $x1);
        //LINEAR GROWTH  if third year is empty
        if (($x1 != "") ||($x1 != 0) &&  ($x2 != "") ||($x2 != 0) && ($x3 == "")){
            $b = ($x2 - $x1)/( $j);
            $d = $x2 + $b($x2 - $x1);
        //LINEAR GROWTH  if first year is empty
        if (($x1=!= "") &&  ($x2 != "") ||($x2 != 0) && ($x3 != "") ||($x3 != 0)){
            $b = ($x3 - $x2)/( $j);
            $d = $x3 + $b($x3 - $x2);
        return $d ;

help please! what is the time complexity for this code?

jonsca commented: Did you have to start 5 different threads about this stuff?? -1
Narue commented: Fail. -4

no help for multiposting homework kiddos

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