kklowanshi 0 Newbie Poster

Hi All,

I have one query related to mysql licensing. I am developing a desktop application for commercial purpose and using mysql community server (5.0) as backend database server.
We dont install mysql server and driver from our application installer. If user wants to install our application on his machine then he first needs to install MySql server and driver by themselve and then he can install our application. This is because of GPL license terms.

Now my question is Can I use MySql for free on my machine for developing my application or I need any commercial license for application development?

As MySql is a freeware, I am using it on my machine for development of my application. Am I doing something wrong?
I am confuse about how this GPL license works? I am not able to understand its terms and conditions. I know only one thing is that I cannt ship mysql installer with our product, but about development purpose I have no idea how license works.

Please help me and guide me.
Thanks in advance:)


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