stevehart808 0 Newbie Poster

Hi I have the code below and I just simply want to return the results from another table ant the same time. I thought I could just add FROM member, members2 or add a join but nothing seams to work, I just get a blank page.

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE think_launch = 1 ORDER BY last_name ASC LIMIT $from, $max_results");
$color1 = "#FFFFFF";
$color2 = "#EFEFEF";
$row_count = 0;

if (mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
$id = $row['id'];
echo ("<tr>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['title']."</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['first_name']."</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['last_name']."</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['address']."</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['postcode']."</td>");

echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['telephone']."</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"border\" bgcolor=\"".$row_color."\">".$row['email']."</td>");


Any help would be great, cheers...