santhanalakshmi -2 Junior Poster in Training

I have installed the mysql connector ODBC 3.51 on the remote machine as well as on the local machine.

Mysql Connection with VB.Mysql Connection on the local machine its working fine.

cn1.ConnectionString = "driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=localhost;database=dummy;data source=dum;Option=3"

When i trying to connect the mysql from the remote machine to my local machine .......i got an error message

Control Panel--->Administrative Tools --->ODBC ---> system DSN ---> ADD --> mysql connector 3.51

what should be filled in the following text box ?
(both the machine :the local machine and the remote machine)

  1. Data Source Name
  2. Server
  3. User
  4. Password
  5. Database

Error message:Connection Failed:[HY000][Mysql][ODBC5.1 Driver]Can't connect to mysql server on

  1. i given grant privileges to the database for the user "lakshmi".
  2. Turned on the firewall
  3. Both the machines are windows xp
  4. LAN
  5. dynamic ip address

please help me out


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