jhappy 0 Newbie Poster

hi there,
help anyone..i have problem in my query..i need to query with multiple values.
for example..in where patientid could be one or more values like this where element = 'element a' or 'element b' or 'element c'...the values are dependent on what the user inputs in his search list..

heres the code im working on now...

public function GetReport($_POST)
        $condition_patient = '';
        $condition_doctor = '';
        $condition_clinic = '';
        $datefrom = $dispensedfromyear.'/'.$dispensedfrommonth.'/'.$dispensedfromday;
        $dateto = $dispensedtoyear.'/'.$dispensedtomonth.'/'.$dispensedtoday;
        if($patient == 1)
            if($patient_search == 2)
                $condition_patient = 'AND u.lastname between :namefrom and :nameto';
            if($patient_search == 3)
                $condition_patient = 'AND o.patient_id IN(:patient)';
        if($patient == 2)
                $condition_patient = 'AND exp.state=:state
                                      AND exp.city=:city
                                      AND exp.postcode=:postcode';
        if($doctor_search == 2)
            $condition_doctor = 'AND u2.lastname between :namefrom and :nameto';
        if($doctor_search == 3)
            $condition_doctor = 'AND o.doctor_id =:doctor';
        if($clinic == 2)
            if($clinic_search == 2)
                $condition_clinic = 'AND c.clinic between :namefrom and :nameto';
            if($clinic_search == 3)
                $condition_clinic = 'AND o.clinic_id =:clinic';
            $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT o.id, o.price, ot.order_type,
                                            u.id as patientid, exp.telephone as patienttel,
                                            exp.address as patientst,
                                            exp.city as patientcity, exp.state as patientstate,
                                            exp.postcode as patientpostcode,
                                            exp.pathology as patientpathology,u2.id as doctorid,
                                            concat( u.firstname, u.lastname ) AS patientname, 
                                            concat( u2.firstname, u2.lastname ) AS docname, 
                                            exd.practice as doctype,exd.address as docst,
                                            exd.city as doctorcity,exd.state as doctorstate,
                                            exd.postcode as doctorpostcode,
                                            exd.prescriber_number as docpresc,
                                            c.clinic AS clinicname, 
                                            ins.delivery_date AS datedeliver, 
                                            o.script_date as prescdate,
                                            i.description as drugdesc,
                                            i.id as ingid,
                                            i.name as ingname,
                                            i.type as ingtype,
                                            i.abbreviation as ingabrev,
                                            i.unit_of_measurement as ingunit,
                                            i.measurement_tolerance as ingmeasurement,
                                            i.min_warehouse_stock as ingstock,
                                            i.min_lab_stock as inglabstock
                                        FROM tbl_order AS o
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_user AS u ON u.id = o.patient_id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_user_extended_patient as exp on exp.user_id=u.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_order_type AS ot ON ot.id = o.order_type
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_user AS u2 ON u2.id = o.doctor_id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_user_extended_doctor as exd on exd.user_id=u2.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_clinic AS c ON c.id = o.clinic_id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_order_medication_definition AS md ON md.order_id = o.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_order_medication_definition_ingredient AS mdi ON mdi.order_medication_definition_id = md.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_ingredient AS i ON mdi.ingredient_id = i.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_ingredient_stock AS ins ON ins.ingredient_id = i.id
                                        LEFT JOIN tbl_ingredient_stock_manufacturer AS ism ON ins.ingredient_stock_manufacturer_id = ism.id
                                        WHERE o.order_type =:script
                                        AND o.script_date between :datefrom and :dateto
                                        ORDER BY patientname asc");
            $stmt->bindParam(":script", $script_type);	
            $stmt->bindParam(":datefrom", $datefrom);	
            $stmt->bindParam(":dateto", $dateto);	
            if($patient == 2)
                $stmt->bindParam(":state", $State);
                $stmt->bindParam(":city", $City);
                $stmt->bindParam(":postcode", $Postcode);
            if($patient_search == 2 )
                $stmt->bindParam(":namefrom", $patient_name_from);
                $stmt->bindParam(":nameto", $patient_name_to);
            if($patient_search == 3 )
                $stmt->bindParam(":patient", $patientlistvalue);
            if($doctor_search == 2 )
                $stmt->bindParam(":namefrom", $doctor_name_from);
                $stmt->bindParam(":nameto", $doctor_name_to);
            if($doctor_search == 3)
                $stmt->bindParam(":doctor", $doctorlistvalue);
            if($clinic_search == 2 )
                $stmt->bindParam(":namefrom", $clinic_name_from);
                $stmt->bindParam(":nameto", $clinic_name_to);
            if($clinic_search == 3)
                $stmt->bindParam(":clinic", $cliniclistvalue);	
            return $stmt;
        catch(PDOException $e)
            return $e->getMessage();

thanks for any help =)