gabrielhuebsch 0 Newbie Poster

I am exporting a large amount of data from SQL Server 2005 to Excel. Most of the data appears as I want it to- without the exponential notation. Any values smaller than 0.0001 (i.e. four zeros to the right of the decimal) are displayed as, for example, 7E-05 rather than 0.00007.
I know that I could use a fixed format, however the values in this field have a broad range of precisions (e.g. 1250, 1.3, 0.00345, 0.000001) and I would like to maintain the original number formats.
I also realize that Excel can convert exponential notation to non-exponential, however I am including a '<' sign with many values. That being said, I am concatenating a string (with '<') with a numeric field into a new string field before exporting. Unfortunately when Server concatenates this fields it does so with the exponential format so that my values appear as <1E-05.

I know that with Oracle you can use SQLPLUS to set column formats for queries. Is there anything like that which can be used in MS SQL Server?

Thanks in advance...