Experimenting with Dictionaries (Python)

vegaseat 3 Tallied Votes 1K Views Share

A dictionary in Python is an unordered set of key:value pairs. I show you how to initialize, create, load, display, search, copy and otherwise manipulate this interesting container. Like the name says, it is the closest thing to a dictionary.

Tcll commented: very nice, mentions everything I've played with. =D +4
# experimenting with the Python dictionary
# a seemingly unordered set of key:value pairs, types can be mixed
# Python23 tested     vegaseat     13feb2005

# initialize a dictionary, here a dictionary of roman numerals
romanD = {'I':1,'II':2,'III':3,'IV':4,'V':5,'VI':6,'VII':7,'VIII':8,'IX':9}
print "A dictionary is an unordered set of key:value pairs:"
print romanD

# create an empty dictionary
D1 = {}

# show empty dictionary contents and length (number of item/pairs)
print "Empty Dictionary contains:"
# shows  {}
print D1
# shows Length = 0
print "Length = ", len(D1)

# add/load new key:value pairs by using indexing and assignment
# here 'eins' is the key, 'one' is the key value
# the start of a german to english dictionary
D1['null'] = 'zero'
D1['eins'] = 'one'
D1['zwei'] = 'two'
D1['drei'] = 'three'
D1['vier'] = 'four'

# print loaded dictionary and length
# the dictionary key order allows for most efficient searching
print "Dictionary now contains (notice the seemingly random order of pairs):"
print D1
print "Length = ",len(D1)

# find the value by key (does not change dictionary)
print "The english word for drei is ", D1['drei']
# better
if 'drei' in D1:
    print "The english word for drei is ", D1['drei']

# create a list of the values in the dictionary
L1 = D1.values()
# the list can be sorted, the dictionary itself cannot
print "A list of values in the dictionary (sorted):"
print L1

# create a list of dictionary keys
L2 = D1.keys()
print "A list of the dictionary keys (sorted):"
print L2

# does the dictionary contain a certain key?
if D1.has_key('null'):
    print "Key 'null' found!"
    print "Key 'null' not found!"

# copy dictionary D1 to D2 (the order may not be the same)
D2 = D1.copy()
print "Dictionary D1 has been copied to D2:"
print D2

# delete an entry
del D2['zwei']
print "Dictionary D2 after 'zwei' has been deleted:"
print D2

# extract the value and remove the entry
# pop() changes the dictionary, use e3 = D2['drei'] for no change
e3 = D2.pop('drei')
print "Extract value for key = 'drei' and delete item from dictionary:"
print e3
print "Dictionary D2 after 'drei' has been popped:"
print D2


str1 = "I still miss you baby, but my aim's gettin' better!"
print str1
print "Count the characters in the above string:"
# create an empty dictionary
charCount = {}
for char in str1:
    charCount[char] = charCount.get(char, 0) + 1
print charCount
if 't' in charCount:
    print "There are %d 't' in the string" % charCount['t']


str2 = "It has been a rough day. I got up this morning put on a shirt and a"
str2 = str2 + " button fell off. I picked up my briefcase and the handle came off."
str2 = str2 + " Now I am afraid to go to the bathroom."
print str2
print "Count the words in the above string, all words lower case:"
# create a list of the words
wordList = str2.split(None)
# create an empty dictionary
wordCount = {}
for word in wordList:
    # convert to all lower case
    word = word.lower()
    # strip off any trailing period, if needed do other punctuations
    if '.' in word:
        word = word.rstrip('.')
    # load key:value pairs by using indexing and assignment
    wordCount[word] = wordCount.get(word, 0) + 1
print wordCount
# put keys into list and sort
keyList = wordCount.keys()
# display words and associated count in alphabetical order
for keyword in keyList:
    print keyword, "=", wordCount[keyword]

# put the dictionary pairs into a list, use the romanD dictionary
romanList = []
for key, value in romanD.items():
    # put value first for a meaningful sort
    romanList.append((value, key))
print "\nThe roman numeral dictionary put into a (value,pair) list then sorted:"
print romanList
print "\nList them as pairs on a line:"
for i in xrange(len(romanList)):
    print romanList[i][0],'=', romanList[i][1]


# split the romanD dictionary into two lists
print "Splitting the romanD dictionary into two lists:"
romankeyList = []
romanvalueList = []
for key, value in romanD.items():
print "Key List:",romankeyList
print "Value List:",romanvalueList


# make a dictionary from the two lists
print "Combining the two lists into a dictionary:"
romanD1 = dict(zip(romankeyList, romanvalueList))
print romanD1

# to save a Python object like a dictionary to a file
# and load it back intact you have to use the pickle module
import pickle
print "The original dictionary:"
print romanD1
file = open("roman1.dat", "w")
pickle.dump(romanD1, file)
file = open("roman1.dat", "r")
romanD2 = pickle.load(file)
print "Dictionary after pickle.dump() and pickle.load():"
print romanD2


# let's get rid of some duplicate words
str = "Senator Strom Thurmond dressed as as Tarzan"
print "\nOriginal string:"
print str
print "A list of the words in the string:"
wrdList1 = str.split()
print wrdList1

def uniqueList(anyList):
    """given a list, returns a unique list with the order retained"""
    # create an empty dictionary
    dic1 = {}
    # use a list comprehension statement and the unique feature of a dictionary
    return [dic1.setdefault(e,e) for e in anyList if e not in dic1]

# a call to the above function will retain the order of words
wrdList2 = uniqueList(wrdList1)
print "Convert unique list back to string (order retained):"
print " ".join(wrdList2)
jcmeyer 0 Light Poster

What if I wanted to store a dictionary in a sqlite database? I would imagine that I would use the pickle module similarly to how you have used it here. But, how would I go about doing that?

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Please make this a separate thread in the forum, otherwise it gets hidden too much.

playonlcd 0 Newbie Poster

Good summary of working with dictionaries.
But... :)
How you can extract an key from a dictionary of a dictionary?
Let's say we have the following dictionary:

{'AAA':{'KEY1':'text1', 'KEY2':'text2',  'KEY3:' 'text3', 'KEY4': 'text4'},
'BBB':{'BBB1':{'KEY1':'text1', 'KEY2':'text2',  'KEY3:' 'text3', 'KEY4': 'text4'},
         'BBB2':{'KEY1':'text1', 'KEY2':'text2',  'KEY3:' 'text3', 'KEY4': 'text4'},
         'BBB3':{'KEY1':'text1', 'KEY2':'text2',  'KEY3:' 'text3', 'KEY4': 'text4'}}}

How can i extract KEY1, KEY2 and KEY 4 from AAA and KEY3 KEY4 from BBB1, BBB2, BBB3 in BBB?

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Please make this a separate thread in the forum, otherwise it gets hidden too much.

vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague

Use binary file modes "wb" and "rb" to make pickle work with Python2 and Python3 versions.

Babe1 -3 Newbie Poster

I'm trying to pick "a..z", "A..z", "space", "." and "," out of a list an putting them in another list? can you help?

Editor's note:
Please make this a separate thread in the forum, otherwise it gets hidden from view too much.

TrustyTony commented: Make new thread for your question, do not hijack threads. -3
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