Newton-Raphson in C#

ddanbe 0 Tallied Votes 3K Views Share

I find C# very well suited for doing math and all sorts of calculations, so here is an example. Just start a Console application and fill in the code. Have fun!
The code also shows a use of delegates and some Console functions.
If you don't know what the Newton-Raphson iteration method is, you can look it up here
There is much to be improved in my code:
Could have asked the user for input, instead of hardcoding some values.
Could have made a Forms app out of it.


using System;

namespace Newton_Raphson
    class Program
        // declare a delegate for a function in one variable
        public delegate double F_x_(double x);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            double xstart = -1.5;
            NewtonRaphson(xstart,new F_x_( Poly),new F_x_( DevPoly));

        /// <summary>
        /// Print a table of calculated values given a start value,
        /// a non linear function and its derivative.
        /// Show a root if possible and often depending on the starting value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startvalue">value to start the iteration</param>
        /// <param name="XFunc">A non linear function</param>
        /// <param name="DevXFunc">The derivative function of XFunc</param>
        /// <return>output to the console</return>
        static void NewtonRaphson(double startvalue, F_x_ XFunc, F_x_ DevXFunc)
            const int cMaxIterations = 15;

            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
            Console.SetWindowSize(79, 30); //pos 80 for cr
            double Xn, Xn1 = 0.0;
            string Title = "NEWTON-RAPHSON";
            Title = Title.PadRight(Console.WindowWidth);
            string linestr = string.Empty;
            linestr = linestr.PadRight(Console.WindowWidth, '-');
            Console.WriteLine("| {0,-15}| {1,-15} | {2,-15} | {3,-15} |       ", "Iteration", "x", "f(x)", "f'(x)");
            Console.WriteLine("|     {0,-10} | {1,15:0.00000} | {2,15:0.00000} | {3,15:0.00000} |       ", 0, startvalue, XFunc(startvalue), DevXFunc(startvalue));

            Xn = startvalue;

            for (int iter = 1; iter < cMaxIterations; iter++)
                Xn1 = Xn - XFunc(Xn) / DevXFunc(Xn); // calculate iteration

                Console.WriteLine("|     {0,-10} | {1,15:0.00000} | {2,15:0.00000} | {3,15:0.00000} |       ", iter, Xn1, XFunc(Xn1), DevXFunc(Xn1));
                if (Math.Abs(Xn - Xn1) < 0.0000001)
                    Console.WriteLine("Root = {0,15:0.00000}".PadRight(Console.WindowWidth), Xn1);
                    Xn = Xn1;

        static double Poly(double x)
            //define a non linear function in x
            return x * x * x - 5.0 * x + 5.0;

        static double DevPoly(double x)
            //define the derivative of the above  non linear function
            return 3.0 * x * x - 5.0;
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