This shows the application of a Memoize decorator to speed up recursive functions in Python.
A Memoize Decorator for Python Recursive Functions
Lucaci Andrew commented: Nice one. +5
BustACode commented: Good stuff. Looks to also be my entry into decorators. +0
applying a memoize decorator to a recursive function
and timing to show the improvement in speed
No keyword args allowed in the decorated function!
works with Python27 and Python33
import timeit
class Memoize(object):
use as a decorator to avoid repeating calculations
previously done by the decorated function
(do not use for functions with keyword arguments)
def __init__(self,f):
self.f = f
self.memo = {}
def __call__(self,*args):
if args in self.memo:
return self.memo[args]
result = self.f(*args)
self.memo[args] = result
return result
def use_timeit(stmt, setup, passes=1000000):
use module timeit to time a statement stmt
(this can be a function call or a code segment)
for time consuming functions use fewer passes to save time
setup gives information where too find variables/functions
for instance -->
stmt = 'myfunction(x)'
setup = 'from __main__ import myfunction, x'
t = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
# 1000000 passes is default
# elapsed is the time in microseconds/pass
elapsed = (1000000//passes * t.timeit(number=passes))
print( "%s takes %0.3f micro-seconds/pass" % (stmt, elapsed) )
def fibo1(n):
use recursion to get Fibonacci number for n
not very efficient because of the many function calls
if n < 2:
return n
return fibo1(n - 1) + fibo1(n - 2)
# timing ...
print("first pass:")
stmt = 'fibo1(30)'
setup = 'from __main__ import fibo1'
passes = 1
use_timeit(stmt, setup, passes)
print("second pass:")
stmt = 'fibo1(30)'
setup = 'from __main__ import fibo1'
passes = 1
use_timeit(stmt, setup, passes)
# testing ...
print(fibo1(30)) # 832040
""" result ...
with the @Memoize decorator ...
first pass:
fibo1(30) takes 106.077 micro-seconds/pass
second pass:
fibo1(30) takes 2.281 micro-seconds/pass
without (commented out) the @Memoize decorator ...
first pass:
fibo1(30) takes 875692.257 micro-seconds/pass
second pass:
fibo1(30) takes 877517.997 micro-seconds/pass
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Lucaci Andrew 140 Za s|n
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