Islandstone 0 Newbie Poster

I have a problem, and have been searching for a solution many different places.
I have a program written in wxPython that downloads and reads a file. I would like it to do that every hour, but the problem is that the wxPython app is running in a loop ( app.MainLoop() ).

Starting another loop before that would cause the wx loop to never start, or if the loop is after the wx loop the app will show up, but the loop for the autoupdater will never start.

I hope someone has any good idea on how to solve that problem, either with some code or another GUI framework. FYI, my app is a simple thing that just makes a taskbar icon to show that it's running plus a menu that shows up when you're right-clicking on it.


PS.: Sorry for not posting some code here, but my code is a bit messy, I'll do it another time