
I have a small question/problem.

I have this text file:

// Test
0    0    0    15    15    7    // 0

1    1    30    25    25    240    240    -1    5    // 1   

I read it into an array in C#, but in my array I read it in as

0    0    0    15    15    7    // 0
1    1    30    25    25    240    240    -1    5    // 1

Since this is a easyer way of manipulating with the data, but now I want to save the data to the text file.
I know the line number of my array, but that does not add up with the orginal file since I stripped som things

So my question is: How do I save the manipulated data so it fits with the orginal data?

My code looks like this:

string[] SaveMonsterLines = File.ReadAllLines(XMLfileLocation);
            SaveMonsterLines[linenumber] = "1    1    30    25    25    240    240    -1    5    // 1";
            File.WriteAllLines(@"D:/output.txt", SaveMonsterLines);

If you dont understand my question/problem, please speak up :)

Now I got the saving text working by not removing any data from the text file so my array looks like this:

// Test
0    0    0    15    15    7    // 0

1    1    30    25    25    240    240    -1    5    // 1   

But now I ran into another problem

I have a image where I draw ellipses on with the coordinates from my text file (X: 15 Y: 15 and the 2: X: 25, Y: 25). It triggers on the paint event from the image

I also have a mouse down event on my image

I save all my ellipses in a list called

List<Rectangle> mapRectangleList = new List<Rectangle>();

When I do mouse down I see if the mouse is over a ellipse. If it is it jumps to a specific line in my MonsterDataArray, but the problem is when I save all my ellipses in the list I dont take end, 0, // and the other things from my text with. I only take:

1	0	30	25	25	240	240	-1	5 	// Red Dragon	
2	0	30	35	35	185	132	-1	10  	// Golden Titan

So when I jump to specific line in my array the line doesnt match up

Yeah im kinda lost here..

Here is the mouse down part:

// Getting cursor position
            Point p = mapImage.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

            for (int i = 0; i < mapRectangleList.Count; i++)
                if (mapRectangleList[i].Contains(p))
                    ellipseNum = i;
            // If ellipsenum is over a ellipse
            if (ellipseNum > -1)
                // Else show alert
                MessageBox.Show("Not currently over any ellipse");

Paint event:

// Open the data file (msbr = monsterSetBaseRead)
            StreamReader msbr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(@XMLmonsterSetBaseLocation, FileMode.Open));

            // Reading all data
            while ((MapMonsterSetBaseData = msbr.ReadLine()) != null)
                // Splitting data into TxtPiecesMap[]
                String[] TxtPiecesMap = MapMonsterSetBaseData.Split('\t');

                // Checking if data is a correct monster

                // If it is then continue
                if (checkIfStatus == true)
                    // Getting the x and y cord
                    MapXCord = Convert.ToInt16(TxtPiecesMap[3]) * 2;
                    MapYCord = Convert.ToInt16(TxtPiecesMap[4]) * 2;

                    // Creating grapic
                    Graphics g = e.Graphics;

                    // Creating rectangle with cords from coordinates
                    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(MapXCord, MapYCord, 6, 6);

                    // Drawing ellipse on map
                    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Gold, r);

                    // Adding data for ToolTips and Rectangles lists

And my checkif

private void checkIf(string data)
            // If monster string is correct
            if (data != "" && data.Length != 3 && data != "end" && data.Substring(0, 1) != "/" && data.Length != 1)
                // Passes
                checkIfStatus = true;
                // Failed
                checkIfStatus = false;

Dont know if this makes any sense

There might be an easier soloution, but I dont know it

Its allmost the same problem as before, but in a diffrent context

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