i know how to find prime numbers of several numbers, does anyone know hoew to find a prime sumber of a single number inputed by the ser using the following function and printing out if the number is prime

int mai()//asks for input
      int num;
      cout << "enter number:";
      cin >> num;

       call IsPrime;
       cout if prime or not

bool IsPrime(int n)
// precondition: n >= 0
// postcondition: returns true if n is prime, else returns false
//                returns false if precondition is violated     
    if (n < 2)                           // 1 and 0 aren't prime
    {   return false;                    // treat negative #'s as not prime
    else if (2 == n)                     // 2 is only even prime number
    {   return true;
    else if (n % 2 == 0)                 // even, can't be prime
    {   return false;
    else                                  // number is odd
    {   int limit = int(sqrt(n) + 1);     // largest divisor to check
        int divisor = 3;                  // initialize to smallest divisor

        // invariant: n has no divisors in range [2..divisor)

        while (divisor <= limit)
        {   if (n % divisor == 0)         // n is divisible, not prime
            {   return false;
            divisor += 2;                 // check next odd number      
        return true;                      // number must be prime

any suggestions would greatly be appreciated

Greetings cblue,

> does anyone know hoew to find a prime sumber of a single number inputed by the ser using the following function and printing out if the number is prime
Yes, I do know, its quite possible too.

int main() {
	int num;
	cout << "enter number:";
	cin >> num;

	if (isPrime(num))
		cout << "Number is prime" << endl;
		cout << "Number is not prime" << endl;

	return 0;

// Add isPrime code here

How did this work? Simple, the if statement is used to express decisions. Formally the syntax is:

if (expression)

Where the else is optional. The expression is evaluated; if it is true (if has a non-zero value), statement1, is executed. If it is false, (if has value of zero) and if there is an else part, statement2 is executed instead.

Since an if simply tests the numeric value of an expression, certain coding shortcuts are possible:

if (expression)

Instead of:

if (expression != 0)

If you have further questions, please feel free to ask. Hope this helps.

- Stack Overflow

not bad...
my problem is i have to output the prime factors of the following users input.
How it is being done.....?

Try writing some pseudo-code for an algorithm. When you run into trouble with your own implementation, let us know.

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