All my communication using this delegate and function are great between forms, but this thread for receiving compiles and all, but then throws this error. I have posted the important sections of my code. If you think I need more, let me know. Thanks.

I am getting a Cross thread operation not valid: Control "Label1" accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created error.

In my rs232 thread I have

unsigned char messageBuf[512];

Rs232com->Parity = Parity::None;
Rs232com->DataBits = 8;
Rs232com->StopBits = StopBits::One;

int index = 0;

	messageBuf[index] = Rs232com->ReadChar();
	index ++;
while(messageBuf[index - 1] != (char)0x3F);

messageBuf[index - 1] = (char)0x0;


if(messageBuf[0] == (char)0x01)

String^ update = "GO";

DataArch is an instance of my dataclass that I pass around the forms as well as this thread.

Then in my main form

public delegate System::Void SendStringDelegate(System::String^ name);

MainForm(DataSource^ DataArch)
           DataClass = DataArch;

           rs232->NameChangeCallbackFn = gcnew SendStringDelegate(this, &WCS::MainForm::NameChangeCallbackFn);

private: System::Void NameChangeCallbackFn(System::String^ name) 
           //if (this->InvokeRequired)
	           // Invoke(gcnew SendStringDelegate(this, &WCS::MainForm::NameChangeCallbackFn));

            this->label1 = DataClass->getlabel1();    //Line of the error

I know I have to use invoke, but I dont know how to implement it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Could someone at least explain invoke and how it is used? or link me to something that may make sense. Ive been googling and cant find anything that I understand. Thanks either way.

I have no idea what invoke does. Never heard of it.

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