unclepauly 6 Light Poster


im creating a library, in which there is a winproc that is started in a function called StartMessageLoop. This function is started as a seperate thread from another function called Init. heres the code:

void MyClass::Init()
//...some code

_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, StartMessageLoop, (void*)NULL, 0, 0);

WaitForSingleObject(m_VALIDHWNDEVENT, 10000);

//...some mode code
unsigned int MyClass::StartMessageLoop(void*)
//...some code

/* if the window class is created and registered ok... */

MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) 
	DispatchMessage (&msg);

//...some more code

so as you can see, Init waits until it receives the 'window created OK' event from StartMessageLoop before it continues, and then ends.

so my question: if i want the user of my library to be able to catch exceptions that are thrown within the winproc, what would be the best way to do this ?

because the StartMessageLoop function is started as a seperate thread from Init, if the winproc throws an exception, this would bubble up to StartMessageLoop...and then where ? it would not bubble up to Init because Init is on a different thread and has long ended by this point. StartMessageLoop is a private function within my library so the user cannot place a try/catch around this.

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