pratap.iiit 0 Newbie Poster

I have written a small code to parse and execute a sql statement but it fails to execute statement if it caontains how can i make changes in following regex.

rawstr = r"""(.*)[( *)?]?([|=|>|<])[( *)?]?(.*)"""
string_to_join="([ *]?and|[ *]?or|[ *]?not)[( *)?](.*)[( *)?]?([=|>|<])[( *)?]?(.*)"

sql statement ="select name from table_name where age=20 and marks>40"

it works

but if your sql statement is like =>"select all from table_name age>=20 and marks !=40"

Hint use kodos to execute my regex
step 1 > first put the rawstrin and then put strin to join in upper blok
step 2> then write your string into second block

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