coolmel55 0 Light Poster

Need a bit of help formatting my output. I'm not even sure that this can be done. The output from the following code looks like this:

Here is your output!
rval = 0.954316
tval = 9.03351
p = 0.999997
Two tailed value = 5.716140e-006

Ok is there anyway I can make the Two tailed value output look like this:
Two tailed value = 1.80 * 10^-5 (you know ^ -5 is the exponential)

// Simpson.h: interface for the CSimpson class.

#ifndef CSIMPSON_H
#define CSIMPSON_H

#include "Node.h"

class CSimpson  
	double calcSimpson(double low, double high, double N, double W, double dof);
	double calcRval(CNode *sNode, double &dof);
	double norm(double val);
	double tDist(double val, double dof);
	double gamma(double val);

	double myVar;
	double PI;


// Node.h: interface for the CNode class.

#ifndef CNODE_H
#define CNODE_H

class CNode
	//Functions of the class CNode
	void newNode(CNode **beginNode, double newInt1, double  newInt2);
	void displayList (CNode *beginNode);
	int isEmpty (CNode *beginNode);
	double calculateSD(CNode *bNode, double &B0, double &B1, double guess, double &dof);

	//Varialbles of the class
	double int1;
	double int2;
	CNode *next;



// Simpson.cpp: implementation of the CSimpson class.

#include "Simpson.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

// Construction/Destruction

  myVar = 0.39894;
  PI = 3.1415927;



double CSimpson::calcSimpson(double low, double high, double N, double W, double dof)

	double sum = 0;
	double dist = 0;
	double originalLow;
	int multiply = 2;

	originalLow = low;

	if (low < 0)
		low = (low * (-1));

	sum = norm(low) + norm(high);

	for (int i = 1; i < (N); i++)
		if((i % 2) == 0)
			multiply = 2;
			multiply = 4;
		dist = (low + ( i * W));
		sum = sum + (multiply * (norm(dist)));

	if (originalLow < 0)
		sum = 0.5 - (sum * (W/3));
		sum = 0.5 + (sum * (W/3));
	return sum;
double CSimpson::norm(double val)
	double temp;

	temp = exp(-(pow(val, 2) / 2));
	temp = myVar * temp;

	return temp;

double CSimpson::tDist(double val, double dof)
	double temp = 0;

	temp = pow(1 + (pow(val,2)/dof),(((dof +1)/2) * (-1)));
	return temp;


double CSimpson::gamma(double val)
	double temper = val;
	double summer = 1;

	while ((temper - 1) > 0){
		if((temper - 1) == 0.5){
			summer = 1.7724539 * 0.5 * summer;
		else {
		summer = (summer * (temper - 1));
		temper = temper - 1;

	return summer;

double CSimpson::calcRval(CNode *sNode, double &dof)
	CNode *thisPtr;
	thisPtr = sNode;

	int n = 0;
	double xSum = 0;
	double ySum = 0;
	double xy = 0;
	double xSquare = 0;
	double ySquare = 0;
	double xAve = 0;
	double yAve = 0;
	double rVal = 0;
	double var = 0;
	double std = 0;
	double bot = 0;

	while(thisPtr != NULL)
		xy = xy + ((thisPtr->int1) * (thisPtr->int2));
		xSum = xSum + thisPtr ->int1;
		ySum = ySum + thisPtr ->int2;
		xSquare = xSquare + pow(thisPtr->int1, 2);
		ySquare = ySquare + pow(thisPtr->int2, 2);
		thisPtr = thisPtr -> next;

	xAve = xSum / n;
	yAve = ySum / n;

	dof = n;
	rVal = ((n * xy) - (xSum * ySum)) / (sqrt(((n * xSquare) - pow(xSum, 2)) * ((n * ySquare) - pow(ySum, 2))));

	return rVal;

// Node.cpp: implementation of the CNode class.

#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void CNode::newNode (CNode **bNode, double newInt1, double newInt2)
	CNode *newPtr;
	CNode *endPtr;
	CNode *thisPtr;

	newPtr = new CNode;

		newPtr->int1 = newInt1;
		newPtr->int2 = newInt2;
		newPtr->next = NULL;
		endPtr = NULL; 
		thisPtr = *bNode;

		while ((thisPtr != NULL))
			endPtr = thisPtr;
			thisPtr = thisPtr -> next;

		if (endPtr == NULL)
			newPtr -> next = *bNode;
			*bNode = newPtr;
			endPtr -> next = newPtr;
			newPtr -> next = thisPtr;
		cout << newInt1 << " not inserted, there was no available memory.\n";

int CNode::isEmpty (CNode *bNode)
	if(bNode == NULL)
		return 1;
		return 0;

double CNode::calculateSD(CNode *bNode, double &B0, double &B1, double guess, double &dof)
	CNode *thisPtr;
	thisPtr = bNode;

	int n = 0;
	double x = 0;
	double y = 0;
	double xy = 0;
	double xSquare = 0;
	double xAve = 0;
	double yAve = 0;
	double range = 0;
	long double var = 0;
	long double std = 0;
	long double bot = 0;

	while (thisPtr != NULL)
		xy = xy + ((thisPtr -> int1) * (thisPtr -> int2));
		x = x + thisPtr -> int1;
		y = y + thisPtr -> int2;
		xSquare = xSquare + pow(thisPtr -> int1,2);
		thisPtr = thisPtr -> next;

	xAve = x/n;
	yAve = y/n;

	B1 = (xy - (n * xAve * yAve)) / (xSquare - (n * (pow(xAve, 2))));
	B0 = yAve - (B1 * xAve);

	thisPtr = bNode;

	while(thisPtr != NULL)
		var = var + pow((thisPtr->int2 - B0 - (B1 * thisPtr->int1)),2);
		bot = bot + pow((thisPtr->int1 - xAve),2);
		thisPtr= thisPtr->next;

	var = var / (n-2);
	std = sqrt(var);
	cout << "\nStandard Deviation = " << std;

	dof = n;
	range = std * sqrt(1 + (1/n) + ((pow((guess - xAve),2)) / bot));

return range;

void CNode::displayList(CNode *bNode)
	if (bNode == NULL) 
		cout << "\nList starts at address "
			 << bNode << endl;
		cout << "(List is empty)\n";
		cout << "List end at address "
			 << bNode << endl;
		cout << "\nList starts at address "
			 << bNode << endl;

		while (bNode != NULL) 
			cout << "Data " << (double) bNode->int1 << ", " 
				 << (double) bNode->int2 << " -> ";		
			cout << bNode->next << endl;
			bNode = bNode->next;

		cout << "List end at address " 
			 << bNode << endl;


#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Simpson.h"
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
	CNode N1;
	CSimpson S1;
	CNode *startPtr = NULL;   //Node Pointer to start of List
	double temp = 1;		  //Temporary storage for linked list data
	double temp2 = 1;
	double xLow = 0;
	double W;
	double p;
	double twoTail;
	double dof;
	double rVal;
	double tVal;
	int N = 20;

	cout << "Welcome to the correlation machine!!" << endl;
	cout << "************************************";
	cout << "\nHere is how it works please enter the Actual New and Changed LOC which";
	cout << "\nwill serve as your x value, followed by the Development Hours which";
	cout << "\nwill serve as your y value, when you would like conclude the list enter";
	cout << "\nzero for both values!" << endl;
	cin >> temp >> temp2;

	while (temp != 0)
		N1.newNode(&startPtr, temp, temp2);
		cin >> temp >> temp2;
	rVal = S1.calcRval(startPtr, dof);
	dof = dof - 2;
	tVal = (rVal * sqrt(dof)) / (sqrt(1 - pow(rVal, 2)));
	W = (tVal - xLow) / N;
	p = S1.calcSimpson(xLow, tVal, N, W, dof);

	cout << "\nHere is your output!" << endl;
	cout << "********************";
	cout << "\nrval = " << rVal;
	cout << "\ntval = " << tVal;
	cout << "\np = " << p;
	twoTail = 2 * (1 - p);
	cout << "\nTwo tailed value = " << scientific << twoTail << endl;
	return 0;
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