fmv2011 0 Newbie Poster

Hi guys,
I'm quite new to the whole programming schmeal. I have a python program written to generate gaussian graphs. However, I need to obtain the data points from these graphs and put them into a different file. I wanted to know if there is any way I can do this? The data points that I am interested in putting into a separate file are the contained in these lines:

alpha1 = float(l[3]); mean1 = float(l[4]); var1 = float(l[5]); alpha2 = float(l[6]); mean2 = float(l[7]); var2 = float(l[8]); alpha3 = float(l[9]); mean3 =float(l[10]); var3 = float(l[11])

This is the program to generate my gaussians. Can I alter this to just put the data for each graph in a files without also creating graphs?

Thanks a MILLION in advance!!!

# 3 gaussian

dist = [2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25, 4.75, 5.25, 5.75, 6.25, 6.75, 7.25, 7.75, 8.25, 8.75, 9.25, 9.75, 10.25, 10.75, 11.25, 11.75, 12.25, 12.75, 13.25, 13.75, 14.25]

for fname in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
if (fname.find('gauss_fit_3') != -1 and fname.find('.dat') != -1):
#if (fname == 'gauss_fit_3_GLU_GLN_l5_6.dat'):
f = open(fname)
save = ''
set = 0
for line in f:
if line.find('final score') == 1:
set = 1
if (set == 0):
if (set == 1 ):
save = line
l = save.split()
alpha1 = float(l[3]); mean1 = float(l[4]); var1 = float(l[5]); alpha2 = float(l[6]); mean2 = float(l[7]); var2 = float(l[8]); alpha3 = float(l[9]); mean3 =float(l[10]); var3 = float(l[11])
name = fname.replace('gauss_fit_3', 'clean_hist_data')
g = open (name)
prob = []
for line in g:
#dist.append(float(line.split()[0])) #constant

graphname = name.replace ("clean_hist_data_", '')
graphname = graphname.replace('.dat', '.fig')
title = graphname.replace ('_', ' ')

#height1_x = (1/sqrt(2.*acos(-1.))/$sigma1_x)
#define height2_x $($alpha2_x/sqrt(2.*acos(-1.))/$sigma2_x)
#define height3_x $($alpha3_x/sqrt(2.*acos(-1.))/$sigma3_x)
#set t=0,14,0.001
#set ft = ($height1_x*exp(-((t - $mean1_x)/(sqrt(2.)*$sigma1_x))**2) +$height2_x*exp(-((t - $mean2_x)/(sqrt(2.)*$sigma2_x))**2) +$height3_x*exp(-((t -$mean3_x)/(sqrt(2.)*$sigma3_x))**2))/(1\

height1 = (1/(2.*3.1415927)**0.5)/var1
height2 = (alpha2/(2.*3.1415927)**0.5)/var2
height3 = (alpha3/(2.*3.1415927)**0.5)/var3

cmd = "matlab -nodisplay << EOF %s t = 0:0.001:14; %s bar (%s, %s) %s title ('%s') %s hold on %s gauss = (1/(1+%f)) * (%f* exp(- ((t-%f)/((2^0.5)*%f)).^2) + %f * exp(- ((t-%f)/((2^0.5)*%f\
)).^2) + %f * exp( - ((t-%f)/((2^0.5)*%f)).^2)); %s plot (t,gauss,'color', 'red', 'linewidth', 2) %s hgsave ('%s') %s EOF %s" %('\n','\n', dist, prob, '\n',title, '\n', '\n', alpha3, height1, mean1, var\
1, height2, mean2, var2, height3, mean3, var3, '\n', '\n', graphname, '\n', '\n')

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