miraje 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone! I have several .ASC files generated from ArcGIS that contain data over the same domain. I want to somehow read the data directly from the ASCII files (rather than reading the data and plotting in MPL in another image format) and display it as a raster image on the screen. What is the best approach for doing this? As far as I can tell the format isn't supported by PIL. Eventually I'd like to overlay the raster images in the same wx panel and give the user the ability to turn each layer on and off like in a GIS GUI (similar to Thuban), but I need to be able to get them on the screen first.

For anyone who's not familiar with the .ASC format, it's basically just a ASCII text file with 6 header lines (ncols, nrows, geographic coordinates of lower-left X and Y, cell size, and value for missing data) and then the data is space-delimited in an ncols by nrows array. I'd have to assign colors to the values in the script since it's not specified.